
I just hope this is something akin to those wonderful novels, and not just Disney recycling the name of a beloved IP/concept. Fingers crossed...

My first wedding was an over-large to-do. No open bar.

Just finished up this week’s episode of the D(e)adcast, and I have a dark-horse candidate for British Jeopardy host:

That first paragraph perfectly describes Ravens fans. 

Very, very true. 

Ravens, Eagles, Seahawks, Cowboys, I need to continue?

In baseball? Maybe. Cardinals fans might give you a run for your money.

Fuck yeah, Steve “The Badge” Harrington

IIRC the vehicle Hopper drove wasn’t his personal vehicle, but rather the town police vehicle...which means, Hopper is probably still gone when the season starts, and someone else is driving his vehicle as the new law enforcement official.

That is a very, very valid point.

With great power comes great responsibility. You should remember that before slinging out tweets like this.

I’m a Washington fan—and maybe this is just where I am in my fandom right now—but I think I would actually enjoy seeing Shanahan (or McVay) crush this team.

Nailed it.

I’ll go one further—I think those outlets are *intentionally* misinterpreting what Soto said, because it casts him in a negative light. It makes it look he’s being a petulant child who can dish it out but cannot take it, which suits the narrative they’d like to amplify, particularly in the context of “the Cards play

Thought Twitter might indicate otherwise, I doubt you will find a single Nationals fan that will tell you they expected anything like this from Sanchez last night. It was magical. Yes, he had decent stuff against the Dodgers in the previous serious, but obviously had problems finishing guys off after having them

Scherzer is a goddamn machine. Yes, he was off early, but once he found it, he was like a fucking Terminator out there.

This is the good shit. Thank you, Roth.

The Golden Child is legitimately one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen.

Oktoberfest-style beers, and marzens in particular, and the best type of beer. Scotch ales come in second.

Hoegaarden was my gateway into trying craft beer. Loved it.