
The Constitution guarantees your right to be wrong.


I don’t know...I like the name Truman Peyote, but it almost sounds like the protagonist for the next GTA game.

I cannot explain why I feel this way, but Storm Duck is the most awesome fucking name in this region.

-1 armed man

As a Terps fan, yesterday, I was torn: root for a program I have hated for most of my life, or root for a program that is an affront to me, morally, and oh—has also bounced the Terps out of the tournament a few times in the last 20 years!

I loathe Duke, and Zion is the first Duke player I’ve been able to root for since Grant Hill. Watching Zion play ball this year has really been something...

Yeah, I get what you’re saying—and I have little doubt that this guy is probably of that mindset (“as long as them thar black folk don’t go gettin’ uppity, I’ll watch ‘em play the sports!). I guess what I’m saying is, the whole idea of white supremacy (as I understand it, anyway) is based upon this belief that

Personally show up at your house with 3 Russet potatoes, a tablespoon of heavy cream, 2tablespoons of butter, teaspoon of salt, a cup of chicken broth, a tablespoon of butter, a tablespoon of flour, and some fresh thyme and rosemary and cook it for you in your kitchen

This is good kinja.

I wondered the same thing when the SLC shit hit the news a few weeks ago. I mean, if you’re really on a “white power!” trip, what are you even doing at an NBA game? Certainly seeing all these athletic, successful, rich, popular men—mostly African-American men—must really fuck with your chosen worldview...

There’s no “I” in team, but there is definitely an “e” in family.

Good ol’ Stussy...Target bought the brand, I think, and tried to revive it in the early 00s, but I think if flopped hard.

Hot take: the only reason van Pelt is all fired up about this shit with Izzo is because Gary Williams came out in defense of Izzo, and Scotty Boy would eat baby shit from an anthrax vial if he thought it would impress Gary Williams.

I guess it was actually “Know Your Y” all along.

I can only assume “Corey Phast Lane”’s parents were fans of this movie:


Rather than flair up at his coach

I wonder if Enzo thinks Bundy’s cats also have green tongues...

When I saw the link to this article, I knew I would be disappointed if there was no picture of the moat.