
I want to say it was the Eastern Shore.  Maybe Salisbury? I know they have a Civic Center and host shows; I’m guessing they probably did back then, as well...

I’m 41, and I remember going to shows during the mid- and late-80s and REALLY believed this stuff was real. You couldn’t tell me Hogan wasn’t indestructible, or that Piper wasn’t batshit crazy.

Jesus Christ.  Please tell me that’s a faked Tweet.

Same. In the vast majority of the stuff I’ve read about him, he seems like a really great guy. I’m sure there’s something, somewhere (it seems like there always is), but to my knowledge there aren’t any horror stories associated with shit behavior, etc.

I think it depends on when you grew up. I think “kayfabe” is such an antiquated concept at this point, even kids are in on the joke. In the 80s, though—especially the early 80's—kids (me included) were 1000% bought in and believed the lie, and we believed all of it. Parents seemed inclined to let us believe it, too—I

Man...I hate to sound like I’m piling on, but can we really blame any of this on anyone other than Lebron?

I cannot remember if this is a real memory, or an amalgamation of memories different events I attended and shows I watched on TV, but I remember seeing King Kong Bundy at a show in Podunk, Maryland when I was very young.  As a kid, Bundy was ENORMOUS...and even as an adult who is built like an offensive lineman, Bundy

That looks very Ford Edge-y.

I will never not laugh at anything that takes the piss out of Mike Francesa. The GIF alone makes me chuckle when I see it, and it’s telling that Deadspin writers don’t even have to contextualize the dumb shit he does in order for it to be funny. We don’t need context, or anecdotes—just a simple transcript of the dreck

Trump’s just jealous that he can’t read “notes”...

Yes, but Albert, that still makes them better than Ja Rule.

I’m surprised these guys haven’t checked into a camp and killed themselves.

Odds on the following happening:

I feel this way about the ‘05 TJ SE I had, so much so that I’d love to own another Wrangler even though I know it’s not right for me (right now) and THAT Jeep is a far, far different vehicle than when FCA pushes out these days.

See, you see that as a bug, but I know shithead Cubs fans who see that as a feature.

BIG POD is flexing it’s muscle on independent podcasters.

+6 dead hookers

I will never not laugh at a “[blank] in potato salad” joke.


Good Ol’ Sussex County. People like to think the eastern side of the County (“the beach”) is somehow less racist than it’s western half (which is poorer and somewhat more conservative, though that’s a relative term in Slower Lower). Don’t let it fool you, though—the cops, the people, all of it, they’re all just as bad.