
This was a really great read! I’ve been reading Deadspin for about a decade, now, and by far one of my favorite things about this site are your pieces about DC-area sports, culture, etc., Mr. McKenna. Having guys like you and Chris Thompson writing for this site, about things that feel somehow more personal for me

Yes, and they’re likely to hire her as their next social media manager.

Which, honestly, is why some of the less-desirable media outlets will embrace her.

Jrue to Playoff P:

Nothing says “class” like a dude in a camo hat lunging after a woman!

that locals will pretend to be as into the team as they are the hockey team

I remember that!

No no no, I’m LaBar Vall, you must be confusing me with someone else.

I heard Lonzo is better than Lebron, from a very reliable source. The Lakers don't need Davis when they have a superstar of that magnitude sitting on the bench with a bad ankle. 

I’m not sure which is the worse burn: this chant, or the Wizards entitling their press release “John Wall Injury Update”

I am cautiously optimistic about this.  The trailer looks good, mostly, but man--these are big shoes to fill.  Waititi’s original was fucking amazing, and I’m worried it’s just not going to translate to a multi-episode format.  At least he’s involved in it, that does give it a better-than-average chance of success.

Who would have though John was such a big fan of Chris Jericho?

+1 resurrection and the light

Glad to see toxic masculinity is alive in well in pro sports. I was afraid it was all but dead.

People (and especially not me) didn’t go out of their way to dislike Scheyer. He is a symptom of the “annoying/tryhard white boy” stigma that is synonymous with Duke basketball, and therefore gets all of the hate (or “dislike” if you’d rather) that the team gets based on that perception.  There’s nothing “out of the

This great stuff, Roth. I love the look at the psyche of team “lifers” who are *so* invested in a team, they cannot divorce themselves from it, regardless of how unhealthy this is. That, in particular, speaks to me—I great up with dual fandom in my house. I grew up in Maryland, so we were a Caps/Nats/O’s/Skins

My man, if you think it takes *any* “effort” to hate on Duke, I’m not sure what to tell you.  Scheyer was intensely annoying.  There’s a whole meme culture surround the faces he made during play, so it’s not like I’m the only one who felt this way.

I really enjoyed the first season of Riverdale. Loved it, even, and I was never a fan of Archie Comics. It feels—to me, at least—that the charm of that first season (or even the first half of the second season), has completely evaporated. I don’t know why, but I cannot get through a whole episode anymore, at least not

Shit. I cannot believe I forgot to add him, but you’re absolutely right. 

How can teams do this while still putting on watchable baseball for 29 fan bases? (The Orioles do not count.)