Seeing him eat ball and floor was somehow (!) less satisfying than I thought it would be. I couldn’t figure out I thought about it, a lot. And then, it hit me.
Seeing him eat ball and floor was somehow (!) less satisfying than I thought it would be. I couldn’t figure out I thought about it, a lot. And then, it hit me.
Jrue’s no joke. If you’re not careful, he’ll damaja.
It’s always some big country-ass white dude who does this shit. HURR DURR I’M OUT HERE FARMING IN THE COLD WISCONSIN WINTER MANLY MANLY MAN-LIKE
Holy shit, he’s actually back.
I never owned a Caprice (though my mom did!), but my first car was a 4-door 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale V8(which, I think, was built off the Caprice platform). Tan, with brown rag, and burgundy (!) interior, IIRC. It was 1994. I was 16. It cost $1,000, and didn’t have a working speedometer the entire time I owned…
The three WWE PPVs have the most vivid memories of:
Maybe the “something to show for it” is all the friends we made along the way.
Seeing someone use more than three dots when they’re inserting ellipses into a sentence is infuriating.
He may say he didn’t mean to, but Lou Thesz he did.
it is undeniable that our team and fans were unfairly deprived of that opportunity yesterday
The only thing missing from this comment is something about how low his pad level is.
Okay, I’ll bite: the NFL wants this matchup because it wants Brady and Brees—Brady because of the Pats fanbase and Northeast TV ratings, and the Saints because they like making Brees the face of things they do.
Oh, my friend...please join me in rooting for the team in Washington. Then, and ONLY then, can you say you are familiar with the idea of the “worst owner in the NFL.”
By that same logic, though (the gushing over McVay), why would you root for the Saints? People gush over Brees like he’s the second coming of that guy from the world’s best-selling fictional book, and Payton was McVay before McVay--and people gushed over him the same way. The Rams are just the new Saints.
And yet--even with all that time!--Reid will still mismanage his timeouts.
Is there anyone outside of the Northeast or Louisiana that actually wants to see Saints/Pats, at all? Other than the NFL, I mean.
I think this should become a recurring segment with Russ. Some reporter asking him if he’s cool with “x” star from whatever team, and getting Russ’ response. We could even lay odds on who’s he’s cool with.
Yeah, I’m a casual fan—I watch Wizards games (wait, does that make me casual or just a glutton for punishment?), primarily, and occasionally whatever national game is on ESPN. I know Russ has the propensity to throw it up there, but missing 23 (twenty-fucking three!) shots in a night where you managed to score 26 and…