Someone Else's Liver

I used to have to wake up at 3:15 a.m. for work and had a stall shower with a seat in it, which I would routinely sit down on and then fall asleep, only to be woken up when the water started to turn cold. One year I resolved to stop falling asleep in the shower. I don’t remember how long it lasted--a couple of weeks I

I’ll still see it, as the book was really quite good.

You really should. He’s not wrong in that there are some silly aspects. But it’s a beautiful story about hope and overcoming fear.

This is a terrible review Rich. The movie is a beautiful and powerful allegorical tale about post-partum depression, with a message about the power of hope to overcome depression even under the darkest of isolating circumstances. The subject matter isn’t something I’ve ever seen addressed before this well. The deamons


Forever caused a huge debate in our household due to my boyfriend and I arguing over about why it’s so bad. Not bad-bad, just nothing. It’s like they sketched out the premise on a napkin, sat back satisfied, and called it a day. The worst sin (of many) is- there are no surprises. It takes an admittedly “ohh, let’s see

if anyone is thinking of watching “forever” due to the exposure avclub is trying to give it, don’t. its some of the worst tv i’ve seen all year. it’s not even bad its just boring and doesn’t go anywhere at all. big waste of time.

They had the comments he made on tape.

Allow me to tell you all a story, and you make of it whatever you want...

Oprah and Uma.

How about a few Daleks, just wondering around, yelling everything, repeatedly. 

Oh god, can you imagine if Obama even made a typo before his morning coffee? It would be absolute proof that he’s a Muslim born in Kenya and also that all black people are less intelligent and also probably he’s an illuminati lizard person.

I should probably elaborate that “wild” can be a good thing to me. If I were 8 years old and saw her in real life, I would be awestruck! To look like the bougie-est doll in the entire American Doll collection is the height of class, to me.

The Queen doesn’t exactly have unlimited numbers of Christmases left in her. I missed Christmas with my grandma last year because of different family stuff and it turned out to be her last. I deeply regret that. At some point you just adjust your plans to make sure you’re going to see your elderly relatives because

I can’t believe how that scene was written. It seemed so out of character for Randall and Beth. It just didn’t feel right, especially in 2018.

Yeah, super awkward. The “we love you no matter what” in this context always sounds like the child has made some mistake that the parents are willing to overlook or something. Why not just say that liking girls and/or boys is okay and give her a hug?

And the “her” they were going to see...was a sled!

Donald Trump on the other hand thinks Adrian Pasdar is nailing it

Ming the Merciless and Snidely Whiplash think that Adrian Pasdar needs to dial things back a bit.