Yes! That was it. Thanks for the link...or maybe no thanks because I’m about to reread and terrify myself again.
Yes! That was it. Thanks for the link...or maybe no thanks because I’m about to reread and terrify myself again.
This one has both Look at Me AND Sorcia’s truck story:
Yes, crawling civil war ghost is my favourite (least favourite? *shudders*) from this year. Add in Look at Me, Grindr hookup, Sorcia’s truck story, and anything involving crawlspaces.
I’d also add in Natalie’s Dad from 2017 ( and one…
I keep rereading this one, it’s so good and horrible. “That was why the noises seemed so near— because they really were.” Gaaaaaaah
YES! Please
Oh yeah, I’m going to see stuff crawling in the woods now, thanks for that. So creepy.
I wanted to be the cool, laid-back nature-loving surfer girl Dawn, but all my friends agreed that my frizzy red hair and glasses made me Mallory.
Thank you so much for this post, I just smiled the whole time I was reading it. And now I...kind of want one.
Thank you so much for this post, I just smiled the whole time I was reading it. And now I...kind of want one.
I’m in Canada too, currently at the University of Western Ontario, and we have campus police. 911 calls on campus go straight to them, not the city police. My previous university didn’t have them, but a lot of the larger ones do.
Oh of course, you’re allowed to — but I don’t personally think the type of mean critique I’ve seen on the Go Fug Yourself site and comments is adding anything positive or useful to the world. I don’t know the site well (fashion isn’t my thing) but there are a *lot* of gross comments about Munn’s face.
I do see value…
Yikes, yeah, I don’t see the kindness in the post and comments that others are seeing. The comments are primarily about her face, not her outfit. Gross.
Personally, I think the site is pretty gross. I believe the world needs less judgement about how women look, not more.
Yes! I felt The Comedian was a bit too long, but it worked for me. I’m not a stand up comedian but I’ve been an actor/writer, and I related to this episode quite a bit.
What do you mean by a commercial endorsement? I’m not familiar with that aspect of I Weigh.
Agreed, I really enjoyed this one and have been loving the season so far. It probably helped a lot that I watched the Saru episode of Short Treks a few days ago, so I was primed from that to be really interested in Kelpians and his journey. (Has the reviewer seen that? I’m curious if people who found this episode…
Agreed, this was a terrible episode. Cisco’s dating plotline was incredibly stupid, too.
Yes! I kept scrolling down looking for Enchanted. Just wonderful.
For sure, I agree with your general point. I’m glad to see more non-white stars in the spotlight, though, and I hope it’s going to continue.
Is Henry Golding not East Asian? He’s Malaysian, I think — is that south rather than east? (I’m not sure.)
The book is one of my favourites — gorgeous and terrifying. I’m really curious to see the film version.