I think the “Miss Lizzy” one is the one that you’re talking about (the long fingers, stick drawings and a window)
I think the “Miss Lizzy” one is the one that you’re talking about (the long fingers, stick drawings and a window)
Truly the MPDG of stories.
Seriously. That and that humblebrag ass thrift store one. Jesus. “So the fry cook and I saunter over to the 1950's garage and the gentleman confesses to the murder. Quite an odd morning I suppose, but what a great haul!”
I didn't believe the thrift store story at all. It seems like complete fiction.
Both of those are so good. The haunted truck is legendary. I’m gonna go read it again now. Do you remember which year it was?
Wow, you’re the first person to ever make this joke here, since 2016.
Frankly I think it brings more to the table for non-Catholics. There is SO much symbolism, lore and pageantry to the Catholic faith that make it largely impenetrable to even Christians outside the denomination. The film having to rely on all of that as a framing device for everything that happens in the film, and…
I forgot a title! May I nominate Nope Forever Woods after the fact?
Yeah welcome to NOPE FOREVER WOODS, turning around right the hell now.
Apologies in advance for the length. This story happened about 6 months ago, and I’ve gone back and forth on whether I should even post it. Last April, I decided to take advantage of one of the last cool evenings of the year and go for a walk while my husband waited for our food to arrive (we relied heavily…
Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.
Two years ago, I got severely, awfully sick (probably the flu). I didn’t go to work for the entire week. It was all I could do just to keep myself drinking liquids and soup and shuffling to bed. The worst part was my husband was traveling for business, so I was all alone, just me and our sweet black cat Libby.
to be made again in 27 years:)
I doubt I’ll get out of the greys with this... but I have to say...
This is the best thing about Cats. Dave did this on and off for years. (Sorry, I can’t find video where he continued with the first verse, “...downstairs by the furnace, while birdies are cheeping.”)
So you’re saying there are 0 Scientologists in the Navy? ORLY?
Yeah, but what about Tom Cruise?
the lady who represented them is my neighbor, I’m proud of her.
Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.