Someone Else's Liver

Anakin built it, DUH

*Turns off lights and listens to “How to Disappear Completely” while sobbing silently*

Just curious if you read what The Daily Storm wrote about the woman who was killed by the lunatic who drove the car into the crowd of protesters? Misogyny, homophobia and racism are all fruits from the same rotten tree; if people begin to understand something through their own experience isn’t that something? I’m not

This quote struck me. I’d like to be a reassuring voice that no, you are. This piece is evidence of it. Masterful, and thank you for writing.

Why assume no one knows a word just because you had to look it up?

If you’re in the Boston area, you can contact the Harvard Square Sanctuary association — churches and community groups that are literally preparing to shelter people in need of sanctuary.

Gatekeeping nonsense. If a person’s fandom gets them to see an intense war film with nuanced look at heroism and conflict, then that’s all to the good. A film isn’t made lesser because it’s got an audience of teenage girls.

I’m a 37 year old man who would knock you on your fucking ass in a heartbeat if you had the stones to say anything you’ve said to my face. Seriously, you wouldn’t get out of that conversation with all of your teeth, fuckboy.

I can’t even with the light-hearted tone here...

Or perhaps just realize that you are likely the only person who even notices these lines and don’t spend money on injecting botulism into your face.

These people are awful.

They’re so lovable and so dumb.

Seems like the common theme here is labs and goldens.....

It’s also a much shrewder way to push the Sun-Times to replace her than outright calling for her firing and turning her into a “free speech” martyr besieged by fascist politically correct snowflakes. While the cost of a theater ticket is probably not going to make or break the Sun-Times’s budget, it will significantly

I used to be the artistic director of a teeny company in Chicago and we would audibly groan when we heard Hedy was coming to review our shows. Her focus rarely seemed to be on the merits of the production and more than a handful of times I’ve seen her announce how much she dislikes a play before the show even starts.

I am so tired of this idiotic most violence affecting the black community comes from black communitynon-argument from disingenuous racists. The vast majority of ALL violence is intra-racial; that statistic is utterly meaningless because it applies to virtually everyone, everywhere. Most violence affecting the white

Good on the fraternity for donating part of the money to organizations that promote sexual assault awareness education, prevention training and victim counseling.

I’m tired of subsidizing Goldman Saks, Bank of America, Exxon, Citibank, Royal Dutch Shell, Walmart, China National Petroleum, and Berkshire Hathaway, to name just a few. I have no problem subsidizing the lives of real people though.

That literally is not what asylum is. Asylum is for people who are present in the United States and are asking to not be deported back to their home countries. Check out 8 USC 1158: “Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States ... irrespective of such alien’s status