How do I look? Like a Hood Ornament!
How do I look? Like a Hood Ornament!
Then you broke the rules.
The point everyone misses about COVID-19 and the protocol around how to behave is that going places for a visit is no longer something you should do. This is ESPECIALLY true if you’re coming from a country like the US where cases are completely out of control to the point that even rule following, precaution taking…
Screw that! Only the most ESSENTIAL people should be crossing. We have worked extremely hard and sacrificed so much to control COVID-19, I would personally like to see people with even these circumstance turned away, at least until the US gets its cases under control (which may or may not happen starting in November).
AWD? Check (SH-AWD).
Hatch? Check.
Rear Wiper? Check.
Small? Check-ish. 15 inches longer than a BRZ, but still small considering how big cars are in this category now. The upside is that the AWD system can rear bias without slipping first, and the suspension and engine will actually be fun to drive vs most AWD cars in…
It will increase the area of sharp focus but it will also increase the sharpness of the background. A telephoto lens compresses the subject into a thinner portion relative to the area of sharp focus, so the subject will be more in focus, while not also increasing the amount of focus in the background.
Another factor…
You’re comparing apples to oranges, Cinema needs are 24 frames per second, photography is 1 frame in minutes or hours. Also, a scene in cinema can change focal length and subject distance nearly constantly. Wide angle portraits are a thing, and full body or larger portion subject isolation would require a wide…
You need a combination of things, not just background distance or wide aperture. A wide angle shot close up with a far away background is going to look terrible, much more terrible than a 50 or 70mm kit lens at F5.6. Also, wide apertures narrow the in focus area so you will likely have part of your subject out of…
Depth of field on the other hand is a byproduct of aperture, however it is emphasized by the focal length. You can also have shallower depth with a wide angle if the aperture is wide enough. A 20mm 1.4 will have a shallower depth than a 200mm f5.6 (more shallow = more blur, bokeh).
You can mitigate this slightly with wider apertures, but then you’re getting into spendy glass territory. I rented a 300mm F2.8 for an airshow last year as well as a 2x teleconverter, and it was an awesome combination. However, at $6800 just for the lens, it’s not exactly kit a first timer is ever going to buy unless…
You need some amount of telephoto, otherwise even an F1.2 will not look right. Also, a telephoto at F4 will have more car in focus as well as background separation, vs a wide F1.4 or the likes. 200mm takes a good bit of space but will produce the right background compression even with F6.3 lenses, just make sure the…
Yes, and one way a driver can be more responsible when it comes to safety is by buying a safe car.
Also, I don’t think the “99%” figure you’re quoting is really the right way to look at it. I work with a lot of body shops and most collisions have a 100%/0% fault split. It’s easy to sit and say “every crash is…
All that time and they still can’t fix death wobble. Lots of “experiance”.
It’s actually not, especially when you have 2 children.. Cars are starting to prioritize multiple seat safety now, examples being the new TLX with its first of it’s kind passenger side airbag (bit of a plug but it’s really neat). Another example is the new Toyota Sienna with side seat airbags in the second row, a…
Yeah that was funny.
“Bronco has nothing like 4xe”
Neither to do, technically.
No, but it means that when someone asks for a vehicle recommendation with 2 small children, I would push them towards something with better crash ratings regardless of their initial preference. You can have a difference of opinion and argue it, as long as you know when to draw the line.
No, my point was that an impact of that level, be it hurricane or pick up truck, applied to a car with poor safety ratings (IE: The above recommendations) would be disastrous for the occupants. Given they have 2 small children, I would be pushing them towards more modern, safe vehicles against older ones that might…
Can you talk someone out of blowing a red light and t boning you? A car moving into a stationary or moving object under hurricane power or its own power doesn’t make a difference when it comes to vehicle safety.