
AWD? Check. Reliable? Check. Fun to drive? Check (Hybrid SH-AWD). Under $50,000? Check. Won’t see another on the road? Check.

Or go for the faster, bigger, and cheaper to operate RLX Hyrbid.

Jalopnik doesn’t buy new cars.

No EV for you!

Problem with that is the range requires battery, so you will always have a high base weight. By applying the electric driveline to a chassis designed for towing and payload, you can technically get both but not maybe be the best when it comes to efficiency (you do need to compare apples with apples after all). The EV

You sound like you need a liter of cola, and a burger with spit in it.

Really? I think with how botched the infrastructure is (on purpose) cars were made to be a necessity, and because of this they were also advertised as a hobby to help people justify them and continue to use them. This is of course in reference to North America, where as in Europe they tend to pick the economical

He never stated he did any of that, just that he liked openness in a vehicle. There is usually a far less wasteful choice than a jeep, especially considering that extreme off roading is not usually a necessary endeavour in most peoples lives, it’s a hobby. 

It’s a lot more fun in a proper convertible like a miata, and less wasteful too.

A car bought for looks, that is also ugly. What a world we live in.

How many times did folks ever come to you at the dealer (assuming you work there) with their old Acuras pushing 100K that had tensioner issues or were ticking on engine start-ups ?

This car only requires 5W30 regular grade oil, so it’s not a huge deal to put appropriate oil in it.

Hi, I’m here to tell you you’re wrong. We vary rarely see timing chain problems with these. If you neglect your oil changes you could start having issues, but overall these don’t suffer from those problems very often.

Most common wear items we see on these cars is the Compliance Bushings, Power Steering Feed Hose,

This is before the plastic fantastic days of engine covers, and there isn’t a ton of stuff in there that does really break in my experience. 

Yeah you could tell the BOP placed on the Acuras this year was very heavy handed. 

Burst into flames, door flies open, tomato tomawto.

They are apparently straight piped, so no cats. Also, there is still Carbon Dioxide, which is still dangerous.

I’m surprised none of them caught on fire, must be the Audi ownership.

If so, I stand by what I’ve said. I have a full blown ceramic coating applied to my daily (which included all the prep work and paint correction beforehand), and I’m telling you that my experience has not matched what you’re saying to be the case.

I think you’re misreading the type of product I’m talking about. The one I linked is a Ceramic infused sealant IE: It has SiO2/silica/siloxane type compounds in it to enhance its durability, while also being extreme easy and quick to apply (it has no where near the solids content of a full blown ceramic coating).