
It’s called rain. The high surface tension stops contaminants from adhering to a level that would normally cause issues, and the rain combined with the motion of the car will push them off. I coated a few loaner cars at work with this stuff and they remained clean for 2 weeks during crazy rain and snow, before being

A new car takes 5 years to develop, so yeah, they DEFINITELY knew this was going to happen, and instead initially launched lower power vertions to move more units as they’re lower priced, which funds the higher price, lower volume cars.

Yeah that argument doesn’t hold water anymore. The industry has literally made products that will protect your paint and create a “self cleaning” layer to help stop those contaminants from sticking, with next to no effort.

Next time you wash your car (not a drive through - go to a wash bay type place) grab a bottle of

When selling your car owning a car, clean it.

Also, any of that hydraulic brake feel and torque vectoring motor on different axles already exists in gasoline sportscars. So, what is the division bell here ?

Yet, you won’t see any EVs making your list, especially since even a performance EV is just an EV.

I’m pretty sure the bulk of the actual quotes says nothing about making a Type R, and actually goes nearly 100% in the no direction. They just say they would be open to more powerful, sportier BEVs, and that the E chassis and driveline is capable of more power.

Not sure where you got the “Yeah we’re seriously

Sick is that a pair of W6s? wub wub baby!

For a mechanic, sure. A renovator? No.

I would say it depends on the business. You run a renovation business, and your car is a Piece of un-reovated shit.

Yeah, I’m sold.

Once again, only 1 really decent choice out of the lot. The more modern your car, the more successful your business will appear. You buy that rust-bucket jeep and clients will think you are not doing well - which means you do not do good work.

If you’re not hauling any materials with the car I would grab a Hybrid.

All I see is big ass CLS.

You have Chosen: Consumer Whore.

Chose your own adventure! Where would you like to go?

You have chosen: Mall.

The video says P100D, and considering how they all launched, it makes sense. The X probably loses a lot in the top end due to it’s size and aero performance compared to the S.

They said the X was a P100D version.

I don’t need to explain to you how much less it costs to operate a commuter vehicle when you don’t go for broke each time your drive, right? Even my RDX which drinks premium is getting excellent life out of it’s wearable components (tires, brakes, oil - it calculate when to change), and better fuel economy than EPA

You don’t need a special license, you need a better alarm clock or calendar. How fast do you need to go to get where you need to be on time? Jesus, leave 10 minutes earlier.

Honda/Acura put out training on how to behave on social media and any situation where you represent the company. I wouldn’t expect many people to divulge information online like this if it goes against those policies. They also have your full name watermarked on any internal document, so if you print it, your name is

It’s a hot hatch, still supposed to be daily driver-able.

And you can turn it off.