Rewatch a lot of the reruns of the 08 Phillies, baby!!
Rewatch a lot of the reruns of the 08 Phillies, baby!!
Counterpoint: Acoustic “Everlong” is pretty damn good!
Sharks and Jets just won’t stop going at it, eh
Jeter will bring A-Rod on board, but then refuse to allow him to perform whatever business skills he’s better suited to perform than Jeter.
So I don’t want to make you feel like you’re speaking for all responsible gun owners, but: what do we do? How do we make this better?
ISIS was on the ropes, running for their lives after American troops heroically decimated them in battle. They were *this* close to waving the white flag and accepting that Christianity is the correct religion and that America is the savior of the earth. They even briefly thought about opening a few McDonald’s…
I also heard they’re going to play with as many as three basketballs on the court at once! Could be a real headache for defenders if true!
Maybe clarify that this is not actually affecting the Drive cloud service but only the apps labeled Drive on Macs and PCs.
My wife had a chance to meet Cam when he was up in NYC for the Heisman ceremony. Her company put on a reception for the finalists for the company employees. She approached Cam a little hesitantly and he smiled, put his arm around her and said how much he appreciated the company putting the event on. He then gathered…
“From most things I hear,”
he almost certainly will never campaign for office ever again, and will be lucky to live more than another year
For all we know what we saw of Garoppolo is what we saw of Nick Foles from his first couple games in Philly. Remember when Nick Foles was the Second Coming for six weeks? Saying Kaep, a proven quarterback that lead his team to a Super Bowl, is worse than any of those career backups is an insult not just to Kaep but to…
You’re more likely to see the batter calmly take the base, only for Gronk to rush out onto the field with a folding chair....
This is exactly what I thought. European soccer leagues have no cap and have the same problem with the same handful of clubs dominating the table every single year (and let’s not pretend like last year’s once-in-a-lifetime occurrence of Leicester winning it all is ever happening again).
The NBA has the worst structure of a pro sports league imaginable. In addition to the very good points in the article, consider:
You knew Hipparchus, but not Anaxagoras? I’m as skeptical as Arcesilaus