
Up hamiltons alley is a wiener

Why don’t blind people go sky diving?

Uggggghhhhhh. The front page of every sports website this morning was the Spurs. Pop is widely regarded as one of the 2 best coaches in North American sports, and we are constantly shown him speaking about various things outside the realm of basketball. Tim Duncan just finished a retirement tour, and god bless Tim

“While much of our content has been focused on contrived confrontation between contentious conmen, this conflict concept no longer conforms and we are content to concede.”

How come you guys didn’t do a story on Univision laying off 200-250 (6 percent) people a few days after they voted to unionize?

Oh great. Now you’re hounding me about that shit, too.

Something something about snowflakes and liberal media bias and this is a tech blog etc, where are the gadgets, etc

I do my triathlon training in the macrame one. The parents at the Y love it when I do flip turns and show everyone my cash and prizes.

How does a burner account get out of the greys, but I never do despite regularly trying to comment on this site for like two years?

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

So that’s not even his real name?

These guys have a prank documentary of Netflix (Undecided). They were really active in the presidential primaries- with pranks on Trump (nazi armbands) and Cruz.

Black comment privilege, amirite?

But, but . . . that’s where I live.

I mean, they are kind of like a snowflake. They’re white, and cold, and if you get a lot of them together, they shut down public schools.

The wings were good as usual and my well done stake was done right for once and the service was pretty good EXCEPT I made a pretty funny joke asking when the waitrest came to check on us by saying she could have some of my beef if she wanted (lol) and even though every1 at the table was cracking up and was giving me

“I am a 59 year old...”

Very fair point. The difference between Russian Roulette and smoking.

It’s just picking your poison with Pence, IMO. Donald Trump is a wheel you spin every day where maybe he tries something idiotic that gets stopped in the courts, or maybe he spends the day beefing with Nordstrom, or maybe he incenses a dozen foreign leaders. Pence is a grindstone that will chip away towards the

I don't mean for this to come off as pretentious, but you sound like a jealous asshole who just hasn't enjoyed the purest form of the taco. Everything you have ever eaten in your life has essentially been garbage. Everything. Once again, I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but "taco meat" is NOT just the protein we