
The problem is EMTALA, which means if I show up at a Hospital, they have to help me. So we already in effect have socialized healthcare, just setup really inefficiently.

They’re not compelling you to do anything. It’s a tax. The government taxes lots of things.

This is clearly just Mets fans trying to make themselves feel better by putting down the Phillies, while they watch their team waste what remains of their window to compete for a title. Sad!

Please explain what you mean when you use these terms.

Sadly, the latter is also the former.


The problem is, how were they ever going to build an arena there? The team was totally reliant on being subsidized, and Glendale was the only place desperate enough to do that.


Legitimately made me laugh out loud.

I don’t have to click on the article and read it.

Do you live next to the 46th St station, or are you like an extra 5-10 minute walk?

Now that you can run Android apps in new Chromebooks, video editing definitely. For coding, it depends, something like python or JS you can, but you’re definitely never getting Visual Studio or Xcode. There’s a good chance Android Studio will be available down the road, it just makes too much sense to not have it

Top-notch Kinja

Top-notch Kinja.

That’s some top-notch kinja.

Phillies over the Yankees in 2009. To keep A-Rod from ever winning a championship.