So, like, which child am I taking this container from? Is it a specific kid or should I just go find one someplace?
So, like, which child am I taking this container from? Is it a specific kid or should I just go find one someplace?
I will now devote my life to getting the phrase, “Well that really grills my peaches” into the national lexicon.
We do not kink shame here.
We do not kink shame here.
I mean, you can get short paths pretty easily if fluid dries inside the appliance. Simple rule: if you plug it into the wall don’t run it under the tap unless it’s explicitly water resistant.
Most water has some salts in it and those salts stick around so you can end up shorting even without any water left over. Be careful out there, guys!
You know, I’d already done my weekly booze order but I finished the Campari the other day so apparently this is a two-booze-order week which I am totally blaming on you.
The link to Dawn Ennis’ piece points to the article about Daniel Radcliffe’s response.
ETA: Link here
BRB, molesting olives.
Thing is, you don’t have to TALK to learn. You can actively seek out new voices and just LISTEN.
Zeppoli or GTFO
And you can always sub out the Velveeta for whatever fancier cheese you want plus a little sodium citrate though in this particular application I think the trash factor from the “Colby, Swiss and Cheddar, blended all together” stuff probably adds a certain special something.
There isn’t a city in the entire United States that doesn’t believe that they have the best pizza and that all others are inferior and they are all wrong. Except for Somerville, Massachusetts.
I don’t believe that book could be made into fewer than five movies.
I would tend to agree (spent 15 years working on automotive RADAR products) but I can tell you that at least some companies are looking more at LiDAR (got laid off).
The idea of a sensor bubble including RADAR, LiDAR, and ultrasonics is generally accepted as where things are going to go. Some people think RADAR will be redundant. The 360 degree sensors are likely to be replaced with multiple solid state LiDARs
I have a jar of sour pickles and I am 100% trying this.
Ham Noods is the name of my prog country side project.
Not bad with some rum in it...