
I agree. If things continue the way they are, 2019 will likely be a tough year.

Not likely, as there is typically a lag. It will be much more telling in a few months when people, especially the poorer ones in the red states, feel the affects of the tariffs. 

Eh, you’ve gotten yourselves out of the TPP, which would’ve been such a fantastic foreign policy tool. The kind of tool that would avoid China getting a grasp in the South China Sea or given them the position to escalate their trade war against the country that basically owns 20% of their export economy.

I was standing in the used car lot with a family, denoted by the green star, one evening while working at the dealership. I was supposed to be done an hour earlier, in fact I wasn’t even supposed to be there that day, but it was the end of the month so I worked 6 days that week (NJ dealers are by law closed on Sundays)

DB = DeBarge

Needs more fluffy burgundy interior.

Hooray. Another Westbrook post with little bearing on reality.

It’s a 30 year old 767 with dozens more sitting in long term storage in the desert, if they need to replace it. This one is beer cans.

I can answer a bunch of these questions. The 727 we had on display has been ‘excised’ to another museum in the Midwest. It’s supposed to fly out this month, but that is pretty ambitious considering its condition.

Look for October 20th. Weather permitting, that's the goal.