
Things I don't wan't "cheap":

You're onto something. Let's bring back the 1970s. Western Airlines 727s, with "three feet for your two legs." Yes, the legends are true—coach used to have a 36 inch seat pitch. Woah. Give me 36 inches, and you can paint the damn plane any color ya want.

This is the guy that Captain Sully buys beers for.

Studying incident reports is a very eerie thing, but necessary for those who don't wish to commit the same tragic mistakes as a crew or crew-member.

Have you seen how many people queue up in massive lines before going through security? Why blow up a plane when you could blow up the crowd in the line waiting for "security"? That would shut down the whole airport and kill piles of folks.

Number of fucks given....0

Where's the "Sponsored by TSA" byline? Did I miss it?

I can almost guarantee this is due to excessive speed. I live 10 seconds off the on-ramp/where they are towing these cars and drive down this stretch of road multiple times per week.

On descent, you've got your headphones on and checking your FB and about to text your friend that you're landing, and you're in the overwing exit, think about how many people you are putting at risk because you're not alert. This flight was pretty textbook, with all respect to the poor girls that died. Most aren't

Looking at that, it almost appears that the altimeter was off or something. Like a sea-level adjustment knob was tweaked inadvertently and they realized something on the instruments was off when they got so close to the water and went in by eyeball and misjudged it by about 10-20 feet.