
I’m ok with the LC going to seven games, but I’m one of the few people who loves the one game wild card, the only exception to that rule is if they go to a three game playoff - one night game, next day afternoon game, if it goes to three it’s a double header, finished in two days. Think of the madness managers would

I am a baseball purist. If we do go this route with the intentional walks fiddle-faddle, might I suggest a few things we do with this extra time?

The primary fallacy in this argument is this though: This assumes that the person in question didn’t also pay in to the roads, to the schools, to the police and the fire department. They paid in as well. So, negating that, it boils back down to the same thing. I should have their money because I want it.

Cutler is making elite QB money

Morons. They were playing Kentucky.

read headline. pictured this

I like the way you think, but I think that the fuel filter gets clogged up with sugar before it gets to the engine.

Joe Walsh’s Maserati does 185 but...he lost his licence and now he don’t drive.

Here are .03 cents to refund the value of your time.

Just gonna leave this here.

Agreed. It’s obvious the sons love their dad and he loved them. The common thread was always the Packers, and it’s pretty clear they loved sharing that with their dad. God forbid a guy gets excited about something. Even if my own opinion is that sports heroes are weird after about age 25-30, this guy found happiness

Dear Kyrie

great, that can can be your obituary

Favre dick jokes are always a good way to Jenn up interest.

A newspaper ad is very appropriate for this Favre paean. It’s grey, dying, and getting shorter as the years go by.

Edited from the final copy:

Well...if he wasn’t an Organ Donor before, he is now!

How? I forgot, you probably didn’t watch the race and are just pulling that out your ass.

Fs1 reran the 79 daytona 500 on friday, where Cale Yarborough tried to pass Donnie allison on the last lap and crashed them out, allowing Richard petty to win. Gimme more races like that and I’d watch Nascar again. It was super exciting, like when I watched it live as a kid. If you ask me (which you didn’t), it was

Thomas Dolby? Really? Although I guess I can understand, with what happened with his eyesight, why he’d be anti-science.