
I have the same computer. Albeit the 1080p matte screen. The gpu is powerful enough to play gta5. Battery life is 8+ hours as long as you are not playing games. Love this machine. Opt for the ssd and make sure you get the 84wh battery.

Stick to reviewing Macs since that’s what you know. Here is my XPS 15 with Thunderbolt dock running 3 monitors that took less than 10 minutes to setup. I’m guessing you couldn’t do the easy firmware and driver update.

Stick to Mac reviews since that’s what you know. Here’s my XPS 15 with thunderbolt dock that I had up and running in less than 10 minutes. I’m guessing you didn’t do the really easy firmware and driver update.

“...Apple products is that they simply work” . Hahahahaha

I’m just brainstorming here.

Sorry, what’s your point? The fact that the film provided amongst the worst interpretations of Batman, Superman, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor is not mutually exclusive to the fact that the film narrative is critical of their actions...

Are the fanboys ever going to tire of this argument? You clearly don’t know much...

I’m not sure if that has ever been an argument. If it was it’s a stupid one. The Battle of New York clearly had casualties caused by the Avengers indirectly. And the Hulk’s rampage may have cause a death in his battle with Iron Man. The difference was Iron Man actively attempting to save people while fighting the

Um,Pa flat out told him it would have been better to let a bus load of kids die.

While I agree with you in principal, abandoning the “never kill” rule should lead to some form of character development. When this occurs, the characters and story are interesting due to the analysis of the superhero trope this employs. However, in order for this to work, the story has to be able to give time and

Kind of what made me annoyed in the early seasons of Arrow... he’d murder the fuck out of the goons... but then when he got to the main crook was all, “You have failed this city” and make them turn themselves in or something. Yeah, kill the guys making minimum crime wage, yet let the corrupt, evil multimillionaire

Or maybe some of us think Frank Miller’s version of Batman isn’t definitive, nor should it be the one people look to as exemplary?

You know Bob Kane originally drew Batman with a red costume, blonde hair, and a domino mask, right? The story you think you know a lot about took place before Batman had an origin story, a sidekick, or even most of this costume. For the first six months, Batman was basically a Shadow knock-off in a funny hat until

Two and a half hours of movie, and your autistic idol couldn’t fit in a 45 second explanation that demonstrated Superman caring for a human being other than the one person he knows? People aren’t complaining because the disaster porn finales to these movies “knocked the house down,” they’re complaining because

It’s not a bad thing unless this movie is different from what the trailers are promising, and misleading trailers is something that WB/DC has a history of releasing.

No, I get it. I’m expressing my disappointment that the definitive film version of Batman for the next few years is a flattened version of Miller’s grimdark antiheroic version of Batman. For a whole generation of moveigoers, this is the guy. It’s a bummer.

Here I come to maybe save the Day,but don’t count on it because my mom and dad told me I don’t owe you shit.

We’re going to insist that Superman is seen by the world at large as great hero despite doing very little to show why and even contradicting it in the last film we made.

“We Finally Know Why the North Pole Is Moving East”