
Angel Dust, or possibly Copycat mimicking Angel Dust.

This really makes me wonder how you think Legos work....

Night vision head lamps? How does that work?”

Check 4(a) again. In general(not turning, passing, etc), then if there is no a adjacent bike lane they only have to ride next to the curb if the lane is 14 feet or wider. Most urban streets don’t have lanes 14+ feet wide.

Oh, I should have been more clear. Those were just supposed to be examples of big movie franchises that have gone the prequel route, not examples of actually good prequels. I thought First Class was decent; the rest, not so much.

Alien(Prometheus), X-Men(Origins:Wolverine, and also First Class), and Silence of the Lambs(Hannibal Rising)

Forgot losing your wealth. What about when you add a modification to your Roark designed bungalow, and they come back to blow it up?

“Name me TWO movies - or even ONE - that she did prior to her first appearance ....”


He was tired of being left out during all the Leagues grand aerial exits, so he set up a ramp for this one.

There are numerous, much more budget friendly, EVs that get 80+ miles. You aren’t making any long trips in them, but that is a very rare use case for most people’s cars. Especially for most people living anywhere near the poverty line. Even then, the occasional long trip could be handled with a spouses car, a rental,

You picked one of the most expensive EVs you could. Credits going to the <300% FPL would be going towards cars like the Leaf, which start at around 30k before incentives and discounts.

The thought would be that the rich are buying EVs because they want those EVs whether there is a tax rebate or not. If the tax rebate isn’t driving the sales, than it isn’t useful in encouraging change. So, instead of giving the rebate to people already buying the vehicles, they give a larger rebate to the bottom in

Being a martial artist doesn’t require kung fu, or any other Eastern martial art. Pankration would make the most thematic sense, but there are other more modern Western martial arts that could work. She’s a trained fighter, so I would expect something more controlled than brawling from her.

There is no American ban like there is in Germany, so the situations are very different. This is just a company making a bet that I expect will go badly before being quickly rolled back.

It is a specific raptor from the movie, not a generic one. Blue is it’s name.

Fairly important, and mentioned a number of times, especially in regards to the raptors. In fact, the line “Clever girl” is probably the most famous/repeated line from any of the Jurassic Park movies, and is frequently seen in meme, joke, and compliment form. That line is referenced in the first sentence of the

Are they still a SJW if they got angry for being declined because they are black or hispanic? What if they are gay, but they’re being refused entry to an amusement park or concert? Being denied plane tickets? Or boarding on a plane?(I’ll assume that they are being refunded the ticket cost.)

If they had made their rooms and stayed in them, they’d probably be fine. That is part of the behaviour not content claim that reddit is making. Note, that coontown and a lot of other nasty subreddits are still staying around. The ones being banned are the ones who frequently leaked into other subreddits and harassed

Their closest living relative is supposed to the chicken, and I remember reading that few years ago a T.Rex ancestor was found in China that apparently had downy feathers. So, it seems to me that fluffly weirdo has pretty good odds.