
Your like the customer my boss got yelled at back when i worked at waldenbooks, he came in yelling at us for “hiding” a book by a noted right-wing politician in an effort to control media, censor, etc......he neglected to check the entrance of the store where all new books went. Literally the book was at the front of

Hollywood is not leftist. Individuals in Hollywood might be politically on the left, but there are plenty who aren’t, Clint Eastwood being my favorite prominent example.

But Hollywood is owned by large corporations like Sony and Disney and Newscorp, none of which are particularly left-wing. The “liberal Hollywood” lie

Would you like some cheese for that whine?

I know, all these moochers stealing stars that rightfully belong to you. I say teach us a lesson by removing yourself from society. See how the takers miss the movers then.

You should step in and finish her fantasy epic, you little Joey McCarthy you. Do it for the fans!

“cultural perversion”

Agreed. I, too, remember Orwell’s underrated masterpiece Waahhhh! My Comment isn’t Getting Enough Stars to Come Out of The Greys!

In the Communist doctrine, it is. Communism preaches the reign of mediocrity, the destruction of all individuality and all personal distinction, the turning of men into “masses,” which means an undivided, undifferentiated, impersonal, average, common herd.

At least she had ideas.

Today, Ayn Rand is perhaps best known as your virgin cousin’s favorite author to fawn over during Thanksgiving dinner.

Wow. She had all KINDS of awful ideas, didn’t she?


Yeah, if the Dems decided to go hunt down Fox News all of a sudden, I’d find it to be pretty stupid and questionable as well.

The latter. They have no basis to do it, and they have no power to change it - they are just trying to polarize their base, who are being driven away from them by Trump by the thousands.

Almost literally the definition of grandstanding, yes.

is this just more grandstanding bullshit?

I just cannot wrap my head around why this woman gets so much hate amongst geek/nerd community. She’s super funny, smart, enthusiastic, just a fun person. It’s just comes off as very misogynistic and exclusive. “Oh she’s just a hot girl with big boobs she doesn’t know what she’s talking about! She’s fake!”

The fuck? Velvia is not only incredibly sharp, fine-grained film, but the thing it’s MOST known for is intense colour saturation. It also has a fairly neutral colour-balance despite being so saturated (more-so the ISO100 version than the 50).

By that logic, seizing the ivory from poachers in the first place was a bad idea. Because seizing it and holding it ALSO removes ivory from the market, making the world’s supply of ivory that much rarer and more valuable. This same argument also supports re-legalizing the ivory trade, which I’m pretty sure you didn’t

As a chubby undersexed white guy with too much time on his hands, I resent the association with these goons. hashtagnotallfatwhiteguys