
Amen. Left lane driving is an epidemic

Aah. No more constant flood of annoying, obnoxious flashing ads everywhere fighting for your attention, hopefully manipulating you into parting with your hard-earned money in exchange for shit you don’t need.. Just quiet, perfect gray slabs.

The best part about this comment is the dude that took it seriously.

I think the OP was being sarcastic...

that particular wiper assembly is incredibly expensive and involved to replace and to install - i assume that when it went bad, it was simpler and more cost-effective to just replace the vehicle around it.

Kias are some of the best values on the market today. They are built extremely well, especially compared to the Kias of the past. Kia and Hyundai has been killing it the last 5 years in reliability. Not only are you getting a great value for your money, you are getting one the best warranties on the market included as

The “boxiness” is my wife’s only hang-up with it. I agree with Mr. Torchinsky that it is one of the best-looking vehicles in the category, but she thinks it looks too much like a Range Rover, and she automatically despises Range Rovers as she believes people only buy them for the name.

People were doing fine without Uber and Lyft. They will be fine after Uber and Lyft are finally paying their employees their fair share.

For 25 seconds per lion ejaculation, as god intended.

And Simba fucking Nala up to 40 times a day!

I 100% agree but Disney never acknowledging Kimba really grinds my gears. 

I refuse to see this movie.

Now playing

Inspired by the Shakespearean story of Hamlet... that made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. Inspired by KIMBA is more like it!

I’m tired of all the bitching from Jalopnik staff about SUVs. A bunch of New Yorker city folk who don’t even drive everyday trying to tell the rest of America what we should be buying. Ironic since they rarely buy new cars anyways, yet want a say on what manufacturers should be building.

Calling it anime here is weird. It’s western-style with English subtitles on an English blog drawn by, based on the name, probably not an Asian person. I’m not saying cartoons aren’t anime. Bugs Bunny is anime. If you’re speaking Japanese, it will be referred to as anime and not some katakana version of cartoon

I know there’s a problem afoot when I’m more excited by the redesigned 2020 Nissan Versa than this car.

I’ve been reminding all the trolls and otherwise horrible people that are ripping on the WNT that the MNT is about to lose to a bunch of Mexicans that legally came to Chicago.

Wait til you hear about how it’s a fantasy world... based on a popular video-game!

High school students

Let’s stop pretending, he is completely competent (and fairly successful so far) at what he is getting paid to do, because what he is getting paid to do is dismantle government oversight on industry. Don’t be confused by his public job title or salary, because they are irrelevant.