Why wouldn’t you just put leftovers in reusable containers?
Why wouldn’t you just put leftovers in reusable containers?
However, as far as unfrozen ketchup goes, I like the Heinz one that’s 25% butternut ketchup. It’s less sweet than regular ketchups.
See what happens when you speak of evil things? Torchbearer2 brings them to you!
My thought is that one of these, chopped up, would make great ice in a Bloody Mary. Or sprinkled with a drop of Worchestershire and Tabasco.
How much meat have any of us ever tried that came from carnivores, though? I’ve never eaten a bear, or a mountain lion, or a regular lion, or even a housecat. The only carnivore I can think of that I tried was alligator and snapping turtle (and snappers are really more omnivores than carnivores.)
point of order: Much of the seafood we eat is predatory...or at least carnivorous.
I countered that predators don’t get fat and are notoriously difficult to raise.
Yeah, I have a sensitivity to rye apparently — so Belvedere would give me wicked headaches that I couldn’t figure out until I realized that’s what they made it with... shit, I’d do better with Popov*...
You know what else is plant based? Beef.
I was expecting a little bit more directness from the end of this article. ‘The only real difference between the bear and the bottle is X, so don’t waste your money on bottled bullshit’ - or the reverse, but something to that extent.
...do people not use the sniff test? Do people really dump their milk the second it hits the arbitrary-ass expiration date??
So how long until ropy beers become the next big craft beer thing?
Coors Light and Keystone Light? Oh no. What’s next on the ropy parade? Natty Light? Bud Light? Miller Light? The horror. The horror.
For the uninitiated, here’s BTS of the Spider-Man stunt robot you see unintentionally crashing in that video.
Next you’re going to tell us Santa Claus isn’t real.
I checked a video of the thing functioning normally, and it doesn’t have the “airbag” line. So, in other words, they must have actually recorded backup lines which automatically kick in if the thing malfunctions. Which, honestly, is kind of hilarious.
“As a parent, I oppose abortion” is nonsensical, plenty of parents have both given birth and had abortions.
A mornay sauce is good, but there is a next level above that. Just butter, cheese, milk, and sodium citrate. You’ll get a silky smooth sauce with a very intense cheese flavor. I know a roux doesn’t have a lot of flour, but it does mask the cheese somewhat and it doesn’t make sauce as smooth as sodium citrate can.