
It’s a UK only term I think. When I lived there, they used it both for mainland EU and NA. So both are “continental”, but where it got a little weird is with food. For example, an old term for “American” restaurants back in the 50's and 60's was “Continental fare” meaning it literally just served regular foods you

That is a nice replacement photo! Used to volunteer at a wildlife refuge that had bison and they were fairly easy to take good photos of. However, you were right to be nervous, as people (usually tourists at Yellowstone, etc.) underestimate bison at their peril.

If your burger is so big that you need external structural supports to keep things from shifting between bites, you already fucked up.

Beefalo has (have? Guess it depends on whether we are talking steaks or animals) been around since at least the 70's. It has never been terribly common because, as you mentioned, bison isn’t a lot different from beef and there has never been a lot of demand for purebred bison, so even less for a hybrid. The USDA says

If you need a special way to arrange your hand to hold your food, you already fucked up.

December 2019, and I don’t think they ever did. I just get them from other stores.

I had that problem once when I wanted to make falafel or something. I needed dried chickpeas and the store I went to did not stock them at all. I could see it if we were talking about a tiny market where most of the consumers are picking stuff up on the way home (there is a butcher shop like that, which only sells

The big part you missed in this article is WHY shows like this exist and who funds them.

They are all sponsered by Lowes and Home Depot and the manufacturers of all the stuff you buy when remodeling your home.

The whole entire point of the shows is to make you discontent with your current home with its non-granite

I love This Old House but I wish they would pick more realistic homes and go into more depth on how to do things (which Ask TOS is for, I guess) because some of the houses they pick are way over the top. One they did a couple years ago was some modernist place with NINE staircases (most of them were short 4-5 stairs

You mean the fast food cashier and Walmart greeter couple might not really have a $800k budget?

It was the original sweat equity show. Today owners rarely do any work on the house. The homeowners in today’s show appear to be well off and can clearly afford the costs of the state of the art HVAC systems, smart features and the high end fixtures. This is not a bad thing. Anyone watching TOH sees what it really

I’m a map nut, have been since I was a kid. Travelled the world (Navy and civilian) and still have a couple large boxes full of maps of most every place I’ve been. If you would have explained to me in the 70's about computers, the internet, and google maps, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s an amazing resource in our

If it is a 'check', then it must be going to the US, because if it was going to Canada, it would be a 'cheque'.

You’d either say US/Canada border or Ontario/New York (State) border. Using Canada/New York doesn’t make sense, just like Ontario/US border would be odd.

Is the notion that some people like attention that foreign to you? Why do you think some people set up elaborate Christmas light displays on their houses each December?

OK, but if it’s a tourist trap, what are they selling? Are they making a ton on postcards and charging people to take photos?

Do you think that’s the French Flag? Also, this island is between Ontario and New York, so Quebec is even less relevant.

Canada and New York State.”

I’ve been saying this to my GF forever. She loves these shows and at least two of the TVs in my house stay locked on HGTV when she is around. It used to be that you could at least get some ideas on what you might liked to do in your home from these fantasy shows but the scenarios have become so outrageous, I doubt any

I always thought This Old House was a faaaaar more accurate home renovation show. It takes an entire season to finish one house. The people involved have a budget, but also spend more due to delays, price changes, etc. than planned. There are multiple contractors involved in every step of the process. One episode even