
Keep up the hearings, subpoenas, and pushing for the full un-redacted report. Until we get more Republican support, I’m not sure we can push for full impeachment yet. But we can sure as shit keep the pressure on to convince our side, independents, and some republicans that we need to get rid of Lord Commander

This is why we need things like the CFPB! And we need to overhaul the entire fucking system of credit/debt/loans etc. You should be rewarded for paying your debt off not get a lower “score” on some made up system of points.

I was just able to pay off my student loan debt in full. My credit score went down 15 points and my credit history went from 22 years to 9. So basically I have to start all over again to get back to an “excellent” credit rating. We thought we would be able to start looking for a place to buy after I paid off my loans

Editors: And now our watch has ended.

This is my Avatar on FB! People love it.

I have a real and serious question. We all know this is going to happen. Roe will be struck down maybe not this year or next. So who can we turn to to get the neccessary training and medicine to facilitate women’s safe access to reproductive healthcare? What is the modern day Jane network look like and how can we be

I was there too. It was a disaster area already. As sad as I was to see Swerveball cancelled, the entire community and surrounding infrastructure could not handle another 30k people. A lot of people, thankfully, did donate their supplies and time to the affected community. A couple of us worked with the local

I hope that Tyrion lives but you’re probably right on that score, sigh.

It was firebombing of Dresden awful but spectacularly shot. 

This season has been fairly disappointing (has been for quite some time) but completely predictable. They have been setting Dany up as the villain for years. She is a shitty, whiny, entitled person who “deserved” to be Queen because she is a Targaryen? Just because she did good for a while doesn’t mean that she

Don’t suck. Don’t suck. Don’t suck.

It is elitist IF it’s not combined with some sort of free/paid education for tradespeople and craftspeople. Not everyone wants to or needs to go to college to make a terrific wage with good benefits.

Right in the Great Recession, baby.

Ahh, he went to Law School a few years after undergrad. He thought it would better his life. Now everyday he contemplates throwing himself in front of a train. No joke, no lie. It’s horrifying to me that I may get a call from the NYPD telling me he did it.

Well the Orthodox Hasidic community, where the current Brooklyn epidemic is located, don’t listen to shiksa morons like Jenny Fucking McCarthy.

Lots of complicated factors went into my decision to move north and finish my degree at an excellent private college. None of which I’m going to discuss here. Suffice to say I probably would have not have what I have now if I choose to stay put in the state I was living in.

I’m not sure what to do. I have MS so it’s contraindicated for me to get vaccinations. But I live neighborhood adjacent to the current outbreak in Williamsburg (Brooklyn) and I loathe getting on the bus or train multiple times a day right now. My PCP say I should be fine but fine is not comforting when you have a

It is completely bananas how much we pay for college. I went to community college for the first 2 years of undergrad in the late 90's/early aughts and thankfully that cost me less about $1,000 a semester. I could barely afford that. I had to work full time to pay tuition and rent but I lived in a relatively low cost

I can’t be the only person who looks at her and sees parallels to Sara Lynn from BoJack Horseman.

When I applied for my passport I spent the 60 extra for the card. I don’t have to renew my DL until 2023 and I really love my picture so I fly with my passport card.