
I love when animals fight back. Dead motherfucker got what he deserved. I'm sorry for his family but bye punkass bitch.

Lol. Bad phrasing. We have a huge amount of roof space out of the back windows of of our apartment. We put up a container garden out there every spring. I have a worm composting “house” out there as well.

Scout only knows her nickname. However, The Meh Meh does not deign to answer when called.

I just put in my first order for ugly veg. We are vegetarians so we’ll see what comes in. I usually don’t let my produce go to waste. Anything that looks likely to turn before I get to it goes either in the freezer for later use or in the composter on the roof for the garden.

We used to have a taped box with holes cut out for The Meh Meh. She really loved/hated it. It’s hard to tell. Mostly she would bat the box around until the kibble came out. But at least it gave us time to eat dinner before she got bored and tried to beat us up.

This is definitely true. I stopped wrinkling the second I took up vodka over bourbon for my nightly drink...

Nope. It goes (scoop), toast, cream cheese, capers, onions, and lox.

Boy Brow is good. But besides that it’s all pretty meh for shit that ain’t cheap. Tarte FTW!

He’s a Seventh Day Adventist. I work with a bunch. Friday is the start of sabbath. Whether that could explain it though, I have no freakin clue.

I don’t know if you read my whole post. My company used to have a more reasonable policy. Say you get the flu, you see a doctor, she gives you the note or whatever and we were charged only one day of sick time rather than 4 or 5 days of PTO.

My job has only gotten worse over the course of 10 years. We used to have paid lunch breaks, now they tacked on an extra hour to my day, and I expected to eat lunch while I work (WTF?). We used to have paid sick time, where you were charged for the incident, like having the flu, 1 day instead of the 5 days of ‘PTO’ I

I use This sponge and it is way better than any other sponge I have ever used. I still throw it out every week because sponges are just disgusting.

With Rituxan, it is off label use, I believe, so insurance won’t normally cover it. Ocrevus is specifically for MS so (my) insurance would cover it. But the copays are so freakin high it’s unbelievable.

I took Lemtrada 3 yrs ago, 1 week course and the second 3 day course. It’s helped a lot but I have some side effects (thyroid related). Not sure if they will let me take ocrelizumab or rituximab now. I see the doc next month. I’ll ask her but they may put me back on an injectable.

I’ve had MS for 14 years. I had severe double vision the summer after college. I thought I had been bit by a tick and the doctors at the hospital didn’t know what was wrong with me and sent me home with no diagnosis and told me to see an eye doctor.

Let the whole thing burn. This was a rotten deal from the start for us local residents and NY taxpayers.

I take every single fucking day I am owed from my job. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t. I don’t live to work, I work to live.

An icy, snowy, wet ramp is definitely not safer. I would wind up smashing my face in while trying to navigate that disaster with my cane and bag.

Because Drumpf is only gonna take libtard landz. Duh!