
Team Bralette! I have to wear a bra regardless of being home bound. These girls need a little something to help keep them up without underwire and to prevent sweaty underboob. 

Don’t they have insurance to cover this kind of event? I hate Ticketbastard so much. And they’re holding thousands of dollars for events that I was attending this summer all over the country. Guess I won’t be getting my money back.

Yes, the city moved it to the far west side of Manhattan.

I’m pretty sure the whole shebang will be shut down within a year. I’ve been reading Gawker since it’s inception and migrated to Splinter. And now it’s over. Jezebel is now completely fangless and craptastic (can’t wait for Herb to start forcing them to write makeup tip posts!)

The Root is the only site worth reading on GMG anymore. In light of that (and posted above)

I’d love to have have 10 Splinters over Jezebel any day. 

It won’t be Jezebel... that’s for sure.

You must be truly unpleasant for people to blow vape smoke in your face. 

My parents did one. They said it was amazing. But everyone onboard was about 20 years older than them. That being said, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I use every single day that I have available. I don’t answer emails, phone calls, or texts. I completely cut myself off from my job. You couldn’t pay me enough to work during my off time. It doesn’t roll over and I can’t bank the time, so fuck it. Furthermore, I don’t work after hours (almost ever, if I have a firm

I just watched the original made for TV and honestly, it was way better than than either of the new ones seem to be. It wins on camp factor alone. The interspersing of the scenes as children with the adult flashes is really all we needed. This seems like it’s overstuffed and super confusing.

These troglodytes are so thrilled to *FINALLY* be able to say the quite part loud.

This is my first time seeing the commercial and it is literally what I did last night when I got home. Down to the Coors Light.

Ooh... what a charmer!

I love the Juggalos. I know they get a bad rap (and setting the campground on fire doesn’t help). But they are truly nice people for the most part who enjoy their music, family, face paint, and lots of drugs. Good for them.

They think they can flip Oregon because the Pacific NW is the heart of white nationalism/nazism in America.

I love when everyone is “fashionably late” at the same time! It means that I have extra time to set up beforehand, since I’m usually the host (and perpetually still cooking, cleaning, and setting up). And my on time guests/besties become the defacto helpers, who get the bulk of my attention whilst doing said finishing

State sanctioned rape. This goes to show how little these people care about women, our bodies, our rights, our freedom.

I just re-read it. It is a terrific book! Terrifyingly realistic and fantastical at the same time. I am a sucker for King epics (ahem, Dark Tower series).

This only works if you A) have a car B) have storage in your home for bulk purchases and C) live in a city/town where you can access these store.