
Well, when you care more about imaginary children in pizza parlor basements than actual, real children in cages on the border, your moral compass is bound to get a little screwed up.

I am ready to vote today, forget this “Election day is Oct. 20th” nonsense for mail in ballots.  Election day is the day after I get my ballot.  Can’t come soon enough.

You don’t have to look further than G/O sister sites to find that shit.

Yes, closeted men are so happy when their life partner/mother of their children/best friend dies after a horrible long term illness. It’s truly a bright spot in their already extra emotionally complicated life.

Or maybe you are a complete and total homophobic asshole in even the most generous reading of your comment

She either made it up or got it from one of those TERF subreddits that just got banned.

I love that so few people showed up, but we need to get out there and vote like a million people showed up. We can’t get too comfortable and think we have this in the bag. I think a lot of trump voters won’t admit they will vote for him, and a lot stayed away because of the virus. Remember we all thought he would lose

Not to nitpick, and I am absolutely horrified/enraged by the skulduggery of fetus fetishizers, but could the term “with child” please be used a bit more judiciously? From where I sit, language is powerful, and embroyoes, and fetuses (fetii?) are NOT children and should not be referred to, as such. Thanks.

You know what I like about AllRecipe - it gives you the recipe. I don’t have to scroll for 3 days past a novella about how the recipe changed your families life, made you the hero of every social function ever, and retroactively won World War I. Just give me the bloody recipe (or give it first, then write your magnum

The whole point of flattening the curve was to give some breathing room to figure out what the fuck to do next.  It was never the final answer, the goal posts have always been mobile based on how the virus acts.

The fact that it’s taken 15 years and states are STILL not fully compliant says what a complete clusterfuck this really is.

Fuck SyFy. They cancel everything half decent.

They should get rid of Noel. I’m surprised a contestant hasn’t told him to fuck off - he’s always in the way. And he’s not funny. 

If they’re smart, they’ll build the new iteration of the show around Margo and Elliot who are not only the best actors of the bunch but also the most interesting characters.

I think HHS should also separate out the prostate examination/treatment premiums. I don’t have one, but I want to know what the heck I’m being bilked for. Might as well separate out circumcision premiums too, because that’s just cosmetic at this point.

This just needs to have an edit with Werner Herzog narrating the ad to make the journey complete.


I know this has been going around but just in case you want it, here is an invite to the Discord server (read: AOL-style chatroom haha) with a bunch of Kinja people in it.

They killed it without any warning or send-off on purpose, to show that they not only didn’t respect or value Splinter, but that they had open contempt for its content and its staff.

The death of Splinter and Deadspin have really f’d me up; I still come here a few times a day, hoping one of the remaining sites will emerge with an interesting political voice. It’s becoming clear that that’s not going to happen. Aside from io9, I’m having a hard time finding much value on the network to speak of.

How Splinter and Deadspin were handled was atrocious, the having Splinter go dead and having no announcement whatsoever was shitty on the part of Spamfiller and Madman. They should have dropped in a post like this when they pulled the plug.