Inspiring interview with Kether Donohue (Lindsay) on her body positivity. And the show seems to be rubbing her ‘weight gain’ or ‘enjoyment of food’ in the faces of ‘trolls’ intent on shaming her.
Inspiring interview with Kether Donohue (Lindsay) on her body positivity. And the show seems to be rubbing her ‘weight gain’ or ‘enjoyment of food’ in the faces of ‘trolls’ intent on shaming her.
Good lord.
There were some great scenes in this episode - even if a lot of it was boring, cliched tripe.
I’m aware that its ratings are down on Starz - and deservedly so - but Netflix has been advertising it as a Netflix Original (and it might be thriving there instead).
In all honesty, the show - and books - should have just stopped after the Battle of Culloden. It seems as if Outlander’s popularity (or its constant fan service) has proved to be its undoing. Its misplaced sense of history and loyalties has only become increasingly questionable. Particularly bizarre is that Claire…
I’ve also watched the complete series and highly recommend it. Although it is not in the same league as Honorable Woman, it is a very interesting (and unpredictable) tv series about white colonial guilt and post traumatic disorder.
Shadow Line predates True Detective by three years.
Anyone who has read interviews with the director knows that he does not ‘have faith in Bundy’.
As overwrought as Season 2 was, it at least attempted to distinguish itself from the overrated Season 1. Although I had very mixed feelings about 2, I at least appreciate its distinctiveness.
Apparently not. So please try not spread any more needless hate.
The Sopranos ended the way it began: with an anxiety attack.
Well, he would say that wouldn’t he?
Deleted due to stupidity.
Great review of a great film. Alongside Burning, its one 0f my favorite films of the year.
I’m hoping that the show is really about Stockholm Syndrome, or that everyone merely takes on a role when identifying with their character (and captors). So hopefully Charlie does swap sides now that she occupies a different character. Otherwise, I’m not sure sure why the show is emphasizing the performative…
The game is clearly a labor of love, and (often) a chore to play.
I didn’t like Yeun in Sorry To Bother You , but he was fantastic in Burning. He really was able to convey the ambiguity of Ben’s character with a sense of purpose, mystery and swagger.
Who was the girl that shook CC down in the diner? I know she was a former prostitute who did time (for him?), but what are the details exactly?
I’ll be watching just to see how it compares to Julia Davis’s original (which was viewed as another instant classic on her considerable resume of comedic brilliance).