solomon grundy

This may end up being a cheat, but note after Marc breaks out of the Harrow (?) session, the camera stays in there for a beat; it’s omniscient, not Marc POV. We see whoever-Hawke-is-right-now asking the orderly “Are you OK”, and then remaining in that character for a second after the guy runs after Marc. As I say,

Great finale. As average as most of this season has been, these last 3 episodes have each been home runs (the crow episode wasn’t great by itself, but as a lead in for the finale, did a great job of putting the pieces in place).

I think that’s bit rough. It’s an opinion piece by someone who’s life was directly and negatively affected by this film.

And the simple fact that two films released three years apart could have the same white-hot rage at their core says a lot about the intractability of rape culture

Weirdly dystopian setting for the video notwithstanding, I think in terms of melody and overall “catchyness,” shebop might be the perfect example of 80's American pop melody. It isn’t hampered by the self-serious angst that defined English music back then, and it’s so sincerely odd that it stands out on its own; its

Domhnall has an innate decency that makes Billy almost uncomfortable to watch...

People still speculating whether Kim dies or not is getting old. She clearly does not die in S6. It’s impossible. Not happening. There’s no part of Jimmy/Saul in BB that carries the weight of having a loved one die. He’d have mentioned it, it would have been an integral part of his character and the writers of this

A simple fire destroyed maeve’s and Hector’s bodies but this massive explosion could not.

They did actually show the different versions of the branched off simulations very briefly during the conversation between Forest and Lily in the field at the end. Did you notice how several times during Forest’s speech the lighting abruptly changed to a very dark / orangish color? I took that as Devs showing the

It’s philosophy. It is never one sided. Many still believe the two are incompatible.

It would be totally in keeping with this show’s character for it to turn out the past that is torturing Caleb is actually a fabrication fed into the hardware in his head to conceal his true identity from him. While I thought Delores meeting Caleb was a random event, it may be that she chose him because of what she

I think you guys are being a little unfair to Zack. He didn’t say he wanted a nostalgia trip; my reading is that he’s happy to have a new story but he doesn’t think it’s being told well, or with interesting enough characters. Although to be fair, it took TNG the better part of two years to get its sea legs under it,

I’m with you on this completely, it seems Zack just wanted to see Picard potter about chatting to the old crew and maybe having the odd adventure, and claims that’s what the series promised to be, but I don’t think that’s true at all and the trailer made it out to be a very different beast.

I can’t say I’m surprised I

I’m experiencing Ralph as a very lived in character; the intensity of his feelings leaving him almost shut down in the face is this threat is a powerful acting choice for me; he’s articulating something about masculine bravery and fear I think.

“qually important: the creator disrespects his grandmother’s memory by creating such banal and risible false memories (or documented scenes) as the chess game and singing competition.”

Wow, you are an unbelievable piece of shit. Fuck you. 

A fair number of people will watch the show and think the human chess game was inspired by a historical event. It takes a severe lack of sophistication to say that everything is either fiction or non-fiction, and if it’s fiction then it owes nothing to verisimilitude. All fiction establishes an implicit compact between

Plato’s tale of the invisibility-granting Ring of Gyges, that corrupts honest, men told the same story, 2,500 years ago. before all the other stories of rings and invisble men.

The hubris is the pretext - the cautionary tale (about what happens to a person’s soul when they can longer be seen) the text.

I’m not sure why Universal horror films and comic books are your main point of reference in the review.