solomon grundy

Where is Scenes From A Marriage? (HBO, September 12)

Kanye might split the vote and get Trump elected again.

Well, that sucked balls - and not in a good way.

Was this the first time we’ve seen the dolls? 

The Penny Dreadful title is a bait and switch - the show is clearly working in a different register to the original show (and the penny dreadfuls of old).

So I originally disliked it and thought it was a complete misfire.

But I ended up really liking it when I realized what it was really doing and was more ambitious

Interesting thread on reddit about what Garland gets fundamentally wrong about the core principles he dramatized in such black and white terms.

I saw that of course, but it was so brief and inconsequential (to the story he wanted to tell) that it barely registered or mattered (to the viewer and Lily or Forest).

Well yes, obviously. That’s why I said many too (but from the other side). But that is not my point anyway - I was more talking about how the show *appeared* to be having such a one sided philosophical conversation that you knew Lily would invariably have a more tenable reply.

The show cops out by giving us their happy ending. I would have liked to have seen Deux literally branch out and give us any number of possible worlds or ‘ending’s’.

At least that way we would seen how the simulated versions of Lily and Forest were also (or simultaneously) trapped in various hells.

The show ended up

I think that’s as good assumption as any - there was certainly more to Mr Taylor than met the eye.

I got the distinct feeling that former College Professor Mr. Taylor (probably not his real name) lost his job because he was a Jew, and has since assimilated (or being ‘absorbed’) by acting as tour guide under a different name.

I was able to look past the gallingly obvious and derivative metaphor - and I’m still not sure what I was really looking at.

The show is much better on fast forward - try watching it at warp speed and time just flies by.

No mention of the episodes best CGI sequences? Clearly no expense was spared in trying to hide how fat No.1 has gotten over the years -the apron and strategically placed coffee cup were special effects indeed.

Why doesn’t that surprise me?

This show only makes me miss Lodge 49 even more.

Washington Post profile on Richard Lewis aka the Prince of Pain