excuse me but im white so let me slowly explain racism to you in small words.
excuse me but im white so let me slowly explain racism to you in small words.
I’m black and the way I see it is if you don’t want people to say the n-word, don’t put it in your rap lyric. Honestly it’s not a big deal and like... it’s a word who cares. People give words too much power nowadays. People say “Oh but the history behind the word” and imo that’s the past and this is the present, it’s…
Dude, check the dictionary: that’s literally not a fact, that’s your baseless assertion. Otherwise you’d have statistic data instead of just your uninformed subjective opinion to back it up.
I could have used this when that Mercy got POTG by piggybacking off my Reinhardt kills with her pistol instead of healing me. To make it worse, the highlight ended with Mercy just watching me die. We also lost the game because no one but Mercy’s buddy got healed.
Its because this day and age you’re fucking crucified for everything.
Obviously I have to preface this by saying the content in question here isn’t my cup of tea. But when it comes to peoples’ kinks, my philosophy is “live and let live” as long as real people aren’t being hurt and I don’t have to be subjected to it.
*looks at ray rice, micheal vick, ben roflburger, and dante stallworth*
So then there’s the possiblity that this weapon could result in players becoming entrenched in positions for extended periods of time with neither side able to cross a dangerous no-mans-land?
oh, so It’s a fantasy game about imaginary world where gender pay gap myth is a reality.
Welcome to today’s episode of ‘Complain about a game we didn’t play.’, featuring complaints about racism, sexism and historical fallacies.
Maybe they should make an online version of the game, so people can just play from wherever they happen to be.
“Prominent staff at the gaming site IGN say they’ve walked out today in the wake of allegation”
I need to know how this will impact the schedule for updating their Super Lucky’s Tale walkthrough.
There’s actually a medal named “The Order of Hippocrates”.
It’s nearly impossible to stop people from *being* horrible. But s0ciety can make it very difficult for people to *say* horrible things. TheDude would like to submit this story as evidence:
Actually, let’s do it. Send me an e-mail stephentotilo at kotaku dot com. We’ll see how boring you are.
Who’d you like to see us cover more?
Anime is an art form and as such the creators should be allowed to freely express themselves.
yeah alot of “Americans” don’t understand how the first amendment works. you have the right to be offended, but you don’t have the right to not be offended.