
No he didn’t. You took his statements about his relationship and not wanting his wife to have to deal with tabloid drama and somehow twisted it into him being worried women will be damaging to his reputation.  

But...what can I say, we really like fucking each other?

I’m not sure what the problem is here.

Spoken by someone who has no concept of sporting events. Seriously, how clueless can you be? Just wow.

So, I played with this guy back in Destiny - he was part of the intensely competitive “sweats” community and is overall a great player.

I have no doubt that he didn’t cheat - he was amazing back in Destiny and was known for being a very strong, very consistent competitor, not someone you took for granted and who you

totally different market. Also, they usually can’t make a second run of those games since their license was for X game, in Y year.

If you continue to sell the game and the license runs out on NEW SALES, you’re fucked. Hence why even GTA gets music removed every now and then.

You can technically copyright dance moves in the modern day, but it’s next to impossible to know what will actually constitute protected choreography - it simply hasn’t been legally established to any clear degree.

Good thing he’s not doing that, then.

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.

It’s time for bloggers who never actually created anything of value to stop telling artists who make that their life’s work what to do.

I mean... I don’t like the hidden system either but dude, you need to chill out. 

You might need to put the controller down and get some air there, champ.

We get it. Your proud of your sexual preference. Can we stop talking about this already. You no longer have to prove something. 

“Don’t limit me to 500 materials, please. My fear, if say they cap it at 500 across the board, you’re going to have a potential situation where a bad player is just spraying you, and you run out of materials.”

I kinda feel this is going the way of body shaming. There are women out here in real life that do have these body types. I get that sure there are scantily clad large breasted women fighting. But is it because of what they are wearing or the size of their breasts? Because I dont see anything wrong with this, same

That’s.....the proper use of the term. Tone deaf in this sense means unable to understand the interests or concerns of others, which is exactly what he’s trying to say about Sony.

This hot cereal thing just made me sympathize with Trump and his wall for a few seconds...

The jetpack is incredibly unbalanced. It basically negates the most important skill in the game, building.

They literally mention a statistical reason why, too many people are focusing on using only shotguns.