I just don’t see Why they have so much money on the line with this type of format 50K for winning a pub stamping competition yikes, But I guess I can’t blame them after that campy lag fist last week😑
I just don’t see Why they have so much money on the line with this type of format 50K for winning a pub stamping competition yikes, But I guess I can’t blame them after that campy lag fist last week😑
Please tell me you’re not serious
Ah there it is, I came here to see if I can find this post and you didn’t disappoint gg My dude
I much rather watch some high tier OverWatch play then watch people slam their heads together in the NFL AKA criminal Sports League.
You do know he’s Canadian right 🤦♂️
I like seeing blizzard taking action against this kind of stuff but are they going to do Anything about fl0w3r telling a person to kill him self, or is that not bad https://clips.twitch.tv/AlertDarkCrabsCclamChamp?tt_medium=clips_api&tt_content=url
Why Colin Moriarty? Just because you don’t like him?
What does Colin Morirarty have to do with this?
i don’t see a problem here, it’s just... you know... words🙄
Friends... what are those?
sadly I’m one of those 311,000 people as well. haven’t played for a while but I’ve been trying to get back into it for the past three months but I just can’t seem to get it to stick, I went ahead and purchased the expansion anyways i hope this does it for me, I’d really love to get back into this game.