“lets create cutting edge new tech, charge 500$ for it, but we’ll tie it to 6 year old abandonware and a 3 year old camera. should give a top notch experience!”
“lets create cutting edge new tech, charge 500$ for it, but we’ll tie it to 6 year old abandonware and a 3 year old camera. should give a top notch experience!”
Agreed. This was Wong no matter how you look at it.
If you read that and thought he was being serious, that’s more on you than it is on him
So do we have to google “Margaery Tyrell” to find out who it is?.. pass.
More proof that white guys can go outside while holding guns and the worst that can happen is a shitty parody youtube video.
This is an increasingly weirdass witch hunt we’re on
If only he supported Hillary trolls, then everything would be ok! lulz
LOL thank you. Anyone acting like they give a shit or trying to take the moral high ground here and condemn Palmer is full of shit. Let me sit behind my keyboard and condemn this man while I type this using a computer made off the backs of workers who make 3 dollars an hour and work 15 hour shifts.
I’m sure all the lost sales of these 2 man team tech-demos that won’t get released for Oculus will amount to roughly the same amount of loose change that’s in my right pocket at the moment.
Every single developer of software and hardware and every employee of such must be vetted for thier political beliefs and voting history. It’s the only way.
Oh man, a bunch of D-List game devs, unknowns even in the world of indies, who can use a situation that they aren’t involved in to try to spread their name and cement their status in the indie community as modern day ‘starving artists’. No one honestly cares at all.
God, it would be nice if he issued a statement to the effect of:
Yeah but do people still play destiny?