ah yes i had that installed on one of my machines at some point but since uninstalled it. Must have been a reason.
ah yes i had that installed on one of my machines at some point but since uninstalled it. Must have been a reason.
alcohol = never wrong
no praline is another type of nut... wtf am i talking about. hazelnuss or nutella probably.
praline i think?
mmmmm butterkek ist auch lecker!
oh man i love ritter! The joghurt is the best.
the towers will never measure whats received by your phone. they have hundreds of other phones to communicate with. and is it their responsibility to tell you where to use your phone? If you only want to pay for what your phone receives, you're going to be forced to stop using it in the elevator. Since that's not…
i was just confused as to how the gate and stuff they could get through it to come in but not out. Looks like the consensus is if they had turned around they could have gotten out.
yea i saw the gate, was just interesting that they can get under it but not go backwards.
hahaha win
why did they have so much trouble getting out?
nicely done, that is pretty cool. i would have personally liked a brighter spotlight on his face for most of it so we could see him a little better. but it was still awesome.
i'm not sure i understand what the moving blocks add to the movie portion. why do they shift them during the movie instead of leave them flat?
deleted on sep 9. damn.
why was his stuff locked down to begin with??
so do we regret sending stuff to mars yet?
I see traction as a major possible issue. I don't know about hydroplaning and what not, but snow / mud / dirt / gravel.
awesome thanks for the info!!!