
So you mean he didn't add 9 billion lens flares to nuTrek in post?


That's why we need to achieve warp capability if we want the Vulcans to finally notice us. Someone find Zehprane Cochran!

Oh yay! It's a commenter's weekly bitching about Gizmodo's content. Swell...

I was all "Ugh, this looks so dumb and bori....ERMAHGAD IT'S THE JURRASIC PARK THEME!!!"

Ski Free!


This is what living has done to my spine:

I'll second the recommendation for Rendezvous with Rama, and Rama II, but please don't ever touch the hot trash that are Rama III and IV. There is no need.

NOBODY move a muscle, or sneeze!

We need a version of this report based on media attention to each death type. Top killers:

Well, at least we know that the overall death rate is still holding steady.

Clearly there is a strong link between getting rid of disease and heart attacks and cancer.

Looks more like it is towing a smaller ship/boat since the bow of both ships are pointed to the left of this picture, and it doesn't really make sense that a tugboat would be facing backward while towing a larger ship backward...

You're covering the wrong news here. The bigger question is HOW DID AN AIRPLANE GET IN OUTERSPACE?

As a student of geomorphology, I know that there are indeed mountains under the ocean. They won't be intercepting any airborne planes, of course.

Some penises are just bigger than others.

I heard some guy tell two terrible Malaysian Airline jokes. The first one got no response and the second one was shot down in flames and never landed.