So i would totally export one of these bad boys. How do I find a broker to help me do that. I am regularly short on beer money.
So i would totally export one of these bad boys. How do I find a broker to help me do that. I am regularly short on beer money.
80 hours? Psh, I've spend 600+ on BF4... Let's uh, let's not repeat how terribly pathetic that is...
80 hours? Psh, I've spend 600+ on BF4... Let's uh, let's not repeat how terribly pathetic that is...
i'll show you MY bulging.. di wait sorry, we're being serious here, my bad.
I think someone needs to photo this couple in underneath the chopper
You don't have to pay for it but you still should have some of this protection on your machine. It's a game of numbers. No matter what if some hacker puts out a new threat that is undetectable, you're going to be at risk. But using malwarebytes on occassion or just using windows defender, you'll protect yourself from…
She passed about 2 months after I made the comment above. Thanks though.
Haha totally, there's actually a chick version too. I love these guys, I think these are awesome. They popped up around Halloween one year. I think these are a better solution than the LRAD.
wtf are you talking about...
because there's one thing that never goes out of style lol
Wow that's awesome. It is definitely on my list. I mean, honestly, they did a little tour of the town and I told my wife: I want to retire there.
I know this is ancient but I cannot find this damn holder. I really want an under the desk tray just like this, i mean the build at least. The way the sides are loops sticking out and not boxed in mean you can loop wires around them / plugs through them / etc. I'm so ticked I can't find anything like this.
The only way you could make a banging deep-house track is by pressing play on a banging deep-house you tube video. :P jk
Probably what is more likely would be pieces of factory in their own containers. Imagine a manufacturer wants to build peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He buys a shipping container that slices bread. Then he buys one that applies peanut butter. Stick them end to end so the conveyor belts touch and wa-la, he's…
This one I'd call poetic license, it's close enough.
wow, the delay on that amplified system would have thrown me off in the first phrase.