comestible. that's a word I've never heard before... thanks! Gonna have to file that one away for the next time i play scrabble.
comestible. that's a word I've never heard before... thanks! Gonna have to file that one away for the next time i play scrabble.
I would not need a dedicated receipt printer if i used this one instead.
or if you're gonna hit the clubs tonight
or maybe this one
here we go my favorite song about twin peaks
i've always wondered how the laser guidance /designators work. I mean could you simply take a special laser point pen and point it at the ground away from your tank to confuse incoming laser designated stuff? I get it that you have to paint the target, but does the laser strobe on a particular frequency or something…
I would totally buy this if i were printing receipts at a store, but it would need to be much faster.
lol the ACDC shirt... priceless
there were ants in my pizza and i heard a crash!
i would assume the gold has been dug up long ago by grave robbers.... but who knows it could still be there.
lol that was fking epic. even though i didnt see it till mondya.
it doesn't matter operationally, as in what i do in my daily life. but it matters theologically. can change someones' beliefs or perceptions of reality.
my favorite song about bowie and space ever.
where's the conspiracy theorist about how it's armed with a deadly laser? Bring it on martians!
that is the perfect summary i was looking for, thanks lol! it's not really my thing, or i would have read lotr etc too. Definitely a movie I'd watch, but probably not a book i'll read. At least not for several months.
can someone give me a quick and dirty synopsis as to what the plot here will be? obviously bilbo ends up finding the ring, but whats going on here? I haven't read the books (yet), but i dont mind spoilers, i am just curious what the overarching plot is...
microsoft track ball explorer. That little baby, i have two of em, is so awesome. I love this trackball and really sincerely wish MS or SOMEBODY would make it again. I don't like the ball on the thumb,…
I downloaded your zip package here, and none of the files will work. Even though some are in the wav folder, they are mp3. i changed the extension but they still don't play. I'm on windows and never had trouble playing any sound files before... thoughts?
makes no sense... here, let me take up one plug with this adapter, to give you two USB plugs and make another plug mostly unusable. Starting 3 prong outlets: 2, net 3 prong outlets, 2. So really all this does is give you 2 USB plugs without blocking the wall worts. So it makes sense and might be sort of useful for…
and somewhere some other firms made a portion of $440 million bucks in 45 minutes.