the 'why aren't the people from the future all around us' question has a pretty easy answer in my opinion. i don't remember who said this first, but i tend to agree.
the 'why aren't the people from the future all around us' question has a pretty easy answer in my opinion. i don't remember who said this first, but i tend to agree.
that would work too, but the other benefit to something like this might be that if you had the proper shipping container you could stick two columns in closer and save some space, if you could prevent the eggs from knocking each other. Then add the bands for protection in shopping bags etc closer to the end facility.
looks to me like it'll work, but they would need a band like the one with the label on it on either end as well, that way it could be shipped more easily i think.
That's great and all, but its going to take a long time for all the merchants i visit to convert to nfc.
that's really cool actually. you can write some stuff down, brainstorm with a friend, rip it off and give it to them to take home because you digitized it. Although if you just did it in an app or whatever you could just email them a jpg or whatever... i'm torn.. i don't know if this is cool or not...
Yes you can link the two devices and get more channels. 1.1 billion people in the world don't have access to clean drinking water. 2.2 million people in "developing countries" die every year from lack of clean water and proper sanitation (which is mostly based on having clean water to wash with in the first place).
damn you guys must be really messy eaters... all this face and adjectives about ketchup... i hate the way ketchup smells (although i love eating it) and getting it on my face is a major no no. I think i'm going to be sick now....
this is silly... he obviously didn't instagram them....
lol i would actually go to the ren fair this year if there were legit prisoners there. That would be awesome.
ok so they are going to link to a central storage for all the songs, so instead of several folks having the same copy in their folders, only one copy exists. So does this mean that they will finally get rid of the storage limits?
what about the samsung displays mentioned in the MHL article? would it work in there?
yea. hell just look at simple hygiene, we take it for granted that people know to wash their hands before eating, but go read some books on the water situation in under developed countries and you'll soon see how impactful just spreading THAT knowledge would be.
lol yea i should have said "the 'developed' world".
Yea sorry my mistake. I just didn't want to say world because to be honest, penicilin and simple hand washing and hygiene is probably still more significant because of the number of people it affects.
To be clear, I do actually have a preamp and some other shit, but i never use them. there's just no point when the presonus does it well enough.
Jack stack is good for beginners. It's all about Gates for me though lol.
wow this would be the greatest thing to happen in medicine in the US in the last several decades, and would remain the greatest thing until someone discovers how to kill cancer outright.
staying indoors might not be a good solution... depending on your particular living conditions lol
see that's pretty much what i'm thinking too... so i guess i'll just be fat forever.... good thing my wife married me while i was skinny.