
Yea that's why i built a custom desktop pc. it's got an i7, an SSD, two raided hard drives, firewire card, maudio 1010LT, another built in shitty sound card, all the other amenities you'd find on a modern computer (wifi etc). the things a fking beast. i can record all channels, while streaming live audio and video to

maybe this doesn't work with processed cheeses though, because that's what so many of us americans eat on our burgers etc.

i don't own any apple products. PCs are a far better long term solution since i can upgrade them piece by piece and fix them myself very easily. we custom build racks to hold our equipment and have multiple DJ racks with lighting controllers, mixer, and a full desktop PC and touch screen monitor, keyboard, and

right, but since usb 3.0 has a faster specification, someone should be able to make a converter. Not just a physical adapter really, more of a protocol conversion since they physically aren't compatible.

ya i dont have any devices w/ thunderbolt either. and this shit tastic laptop doesn't have a dock :/

The physical adapters may work for some applications that don't need to be very synchronous, since they screw up the whole packaging of the data. Firewire and USB are completely different protocols and they just aren't technically compatible that way. I would need a USB to firewire converter type thing that is

Agreed, unfortunately my interface doesn't support USB and only supports firewire. Really dumb imo. I've got an maudio 1010LT that is pci or pcie or something. That has been a great card.

presonus studiolive 24.4.2. It was like $3299 at sweetwater. Just got a call from fedex, it will be on my doorstep between 8 and 10. I've got the 16 channel now. The whole line is awesome. I actually bought them to help me build up a mobile recording business in my city. Its so easy to just go, plug in, and plug into

yea i dont have anything w/ thunderbolt.

yea i'm ready for a USB 3 firewire adapter already. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT.

firewire isn't totes dead, although i wish it was. i just spent 3500 on a top of the line, kick ass mixer. unfortunately to use it as a recording interface, only firewire will do. And i just bought another laptop, and i could even find one in my price range w/ a firewire port. wtf. :(

i love it, but i would still want a roof i think, so i could go and enjoy my lagoon and stay dry during a thunderstorm. How bad ass would that shit be.

of course, i wouldnt buy one that i couldn't swap out.

my smart phone w/ sim card so when i get where i'm going i can get a prepaid phone plan.

thats actually pretty cool... you could use these to pretty easily turn a warehouse or building with a lot of open space into a hostile / hotel type operation. put a lock / key card system on the door, and you're set. Added bonus would be if the whole thing was water proof so you could just squirt it out with a hose

yea but it probably helps that they chose objects with polished, smooth surfaces.

well you could put it on a flat bed probably. I mean i get it and it probably works, but i'd rather have a truck still.

I find it hard to believe that the pilot didn't feel the swaying cargo while driving. even when i pull a water skier on a boat i can feel when he moves from side to side. probably the pilot was told to hurry the eff up and floor it back to base because of some kind of threat. If he had gone slower he would've been

so its not how space smells, its how space vessels smell. I was wonder if it would even HAVE a smell since there's probably so few particles up there floating around anyway... but i dunno. if there's moon dust it'll just cut your nose up (or so i read on a different giz article)

Looks like a less mobile version of a food truck. I'd rather have a food truck.