yes that is what it is 'for'. the biggest problem with the plans is the pricing. That's where things get sketchy and is what i'm talking about.
yes that is what it is 'for'. the biggest problem with the plans is the pricing. That's where things get sketchy and is what i'm talking about.
most residential zones limit to 2 and a basement. zoning laws are public access, you could google for the zoning laws in your city.
very cool, i'm excited.
that's the point, it doesn't make sense to settle for that low plan, you might as well get the bigger one. It's not there to sell that plan, its there to encourage you to buy the bigger one.
nope i dont listen to them.
actually there are airspace restrictions that will prevent you from building above certain heights, if zoning laws don't stop you at (?) stories first.
cool song too.
so does it only work on liquid fuel fires?
what do you plan to do in retaliation? Please document it thoroughly and let us know what you do.
thought this was about donuts... epic disappointment....
you definition of not obnoxious music amuses me. i would hardly call dave matthews not obnoxious.
FULLY 2D? Whoa! That's futuristic!
FULLY 2D? Whoa! That's futuristic!
i dunno... could be a bad peyote trip?
i have no problem with gmail.... i spend less time going through gmail spam than i do going through junk snail mail.
i was like... whaaa?? But yea pretty entertaining.
compared to other american soft drink brands yes definitely, but there is other stuff. Apfel Schorle in Germany for instance is an amazing drink I looove. But ya. of american brands there is more cocacola than anything else. There are plenty of other options like fanta etc. But the funny part is still that most of…
isn't his wife asian though? I'd think that ethnicity is covered by default.
those dots are probably all the expats bitching about how expensive coke is in europe.