been loving my lumia 900 for not quite a week. Haven't had any of the above issues. I don't give a shit if it takes 10 minutes to show a facebook update. I'm not riding on the edge of my seat for tweets.
been loving my lumia 900 for not quite a week. Haven't had any of the above issues. I don't give a shit if it takes 10 minutes to show a facebook update. I'm not riding on the edge of my seat for tweets.
so, the new aesthetic is the inverse of instagram?
OK well that answers it, you do more production work than recording. Protools isn't the best for production work, although it has made leaps and bounds in the last couple years of release. I use protools more for recording bands and stuff than anything else so ya.
ableton? Would you really do ableton instead of protools? I like protools WAAY better. Its a preference thing i'm just curious what drives you at ableton.
Musicians friend is the shit. Protip: Call them everytime. If you call them and ask if there are any discounts, they will almost always take off 5% just for asking, if they can't get you a better deal anyway.
Yea i think you're probably right, my wife is a little like you when it comes to salt. But it's interesting, we often add salt to things that normally dont call for it just because it is a flavor enhancer to us. I'm trying to think of an example of something that sounds wierd but its a little early.
my mistake, i did not get an n900. i got an l900, the lumia device. hopefully they fixed that flaw and used some better solder. Good luck to you getting yours fixed. One of my laptops has the same problem. Its worse because I would often use it while it was plugged in and if i was sitting on the couch or something the…
how did it break???
depends on the dish I guess, but I would say most of the time we salt during, and rarely after cooking.
my problem is that when i cook from scratch, i like the taste of salt on some of my food. Now probably half the time the amount of salt i use is half what would be in prepackaged stuff.
i've been telling people this forever. I honestly dont think health is as difficult to understand as people make it. If it sounds bad for you, it probably is. i'm not saying being healthy is easy, i'm just saying understanding health basics shouldn't take years of research or documentary videos.
looks real to me. The tongue thing is called smelting, which from my limited understanding is them pushing air larger amouns of air through their nasal passages and the back of their tongue where they have further scent receptors. Looks like this cat has a 'squashed' (and adorable) face, which could mean decreased…
no, that video starts after the 'boom'. Basically the boom would be when you say see the jet but dont hear it, and then when you DO hear it it starts with a sonic boom. [] has some recordings that are high quality but no video.
i'm just going to say this is all well and good, as long as you're only talking about the consumer and recreational market. i can't see us losing the mouse or windowed operating systems in a work environment. I use windows and reshaping them to different sizes alllll the time on my computer. it lets me work on…
finally got my n900! Its freakin sweet i love this thing so far.
hey i got the lumia 900 now, finally have a phone I can do shit with since my n95 died last month. Maybe i can get in the FB group more often now.
it says on the vimeo page:
music isn't bad either, me likey!
wow that's freaking insane..... i'm sure that's what he'll plead too
yea sure that works