
cant get to twitter from here, someone make a video of it

haaa that was so great, lol. If i seen it i wouldn't have hesitated. just wham.

lol @ bluetooth ear piece joke, that's freakin outrageous

i'm confused... where do i click to get the credit? My phone should be arriving today!

this is so sad. it sucks that people get shut away and then they start to shut down. it seems like an obvious fact to me that music, which animates me in my life presently to an extreme affect would of course animate me and others when we get older.

yea but 'all in one'... i know these are mostly designed for 'desktop' use, but it wouldn't be a bad wall mounted TV in a bedroom. which is where i would put this.

i agree its prob longer exposure than normal, just from the looks of the pic itself, was just putting that out there though

oh man i love it. i could probably leave shuffle mode on all day.

these all in ones, do they have tv tuners?

i'd say chrome and firefox are both very real threats to ms.

could it be that they are trying to decrease velocity? As in the thrusters are firing all at once as a braking mechanism?

i'd totally wear these anywhere.

not sure but maybe they could use it to put more pressure on firefox?

oh yea i totally agree about the map, would have been cool if they could have overlayed the path with the current view instead of putting the map on there. I'm going to take a stab though and say that that would take a fair bit more computing power than the glasses would be able to have. But if they can figure out how

but its not a flat overlay, that's the point. its up above you and doesn't come into your view unless called for by looking up, something we don't do enough []

its just a different type of intelligence.

it is tracking to some extent. notice how you activate it by looking upwards? And then you rotate your head it looks like to select different items? So look up and left for message, up and right for location or whatever. As cool as augmenting in sci fi looks, the everyday usefulness of it isn't that great. Basically

forget the owner, i'm talking as a freelance / salvage company, there are people that do that i'm sure. They could salvage it and sell it to one of the decomissioning services on the coast of india and make a little profit i think.

probably one of the main reasons they did that was to un-beach the ship.

wtf, surely something of this ship is salvageable???