
right, but with an engine it wouldn't be relying only on thermals. i guess what I'm saying is: why aren't there single person small airplanes i can fly to and from work yet. Wouldn't have to go all that fast to beat the morning commute (what with traffic and being able to go in a straight line).

Why would you even use a hot air balloon at all?

is there really no way to put some solar panels on there and a little hybrid engine so you could actually make this a real means of transportation instead of just a glider? If I could to work and back with something like this that would be awesome.

ha i love how he already has glasses on

why would you put solar panels on the ground? The further outside our atmosphere the more useful solar panels become (no cloud cover, less energy absorbed in the atmo). just like how the space station runs on solar panels / batteries (but of course needs fuel to steer still)

i plan on testing this at least 6 times since thats how many come in a package.

i love it, but i haven't had it in ireland. Some people say that guinness in america is better than Ireland, or at least it's more true to what the brewers aim for when brewing the stuff because there is more freedom in the formula. Basically, which is right? the one you like better, but the gub'ment in ireland taxes

ok here's your and my homework. This weekend, we will each buy a can and a bottle of stout. I'm not that big on chocolates so you do the chocolates and i'll do guinness. We'll pour both at the same time the entire bottle/can, turning the can/bottle completely vertical (upside down of course) so that we get the same

I've had this beer several times, just not done a side by side can vs bottle. The device is in both guinness cans and bottles. I wonder if the shape varies or if its the same from can to bottle. If it varies, there could be a different amount of agitation, which would be the cause.

I think so yes.

i'm in love already

ha i was just thinking "ok so now i go to google and search for 'meditation for dummies'

i think it has to do with the gas used. Since they use the g-mix (part nitrogen part CO2), the gas doesn't absorb as well, and they generally dont want it to. Most stouts are very low carbonation beers. So they often times put a little agitator in there which when the pressure changes (the beer is opened) it'll swirl

the foreign extra stout is even less like the original guinness in ireland, or so i would expect, since the guinness in ireland is taxed on alcohol content and is generally a very malty sweet version of the stuff we get in the states (and therefore the irish guinness has less fermented sugars, meaning less alcohol,

sounds crazy but with what's going on with nat gas, you're already seeing a shift from coal producing plants to nat gas plants. Peaking plants (not owned by core utilities) are on full bore lately because they are actually cheaper to run than the plants that were designed to produce 24/7. Since its a regulated

no offense its cool to get the scoop but, wtf? pretty sure that's insider information the person leaked. shame.

wow.... thats impressive...

i think it has a TON of value as a training aid. Agree w/ you on the other points, but it does have value. I could see boy scout troops and gun ranges buying a set of these for training courses etc.

Spring break bro hunting season is almost over but hopefully this product will be ready by next season.