the best part is that it works for all kinds of game! Deer, bear, elk, soccer mom, and smaller game like children, squirrels, and rats!
the best part is that it works for all kinds of game! Deer, bear, elk, soccer mom, and smaller game like children, squirrels, and rats!
agreed, i was doing some poking around looking for a scope that had nightvision and a camera and there really aren't that many options.
yea but even with rebates and buy back programs, you're still (probably) going to lose money.
how long does it take to cool??? Is it really that fast? Why do i keep all my beer in a fridge that is constantly on!?
there are some companies that do this, but not generally transmission companies. most utilities invest lots of capital into plants to generate power, which can be sold to their own customer service points or to the grid.
haha yea i heard it on the ep and was like "Damn that sounds like that guy i saw on giz!" Nice to have my suspicions confirmed.
did you say sweaty asians?
related only by the germanic language to the previous song.
this isn't closely related but similar
for good measure
haha exactly what i was thinking
man i could almost see it not being short term though. put a solar panel on it and let them do it and earn a bit of cash. They could go to a street corner and pan handle WHILE being a hotspot. Hell if they'd give me a couple bucks, I'd do this too. And they are obviously going to go where there are a lot of people…
as far as drama goes, isn't that what gossip sites are based on anyway?
head is critical to the beer experience. Not such a big deal with american pils style lagers. It helps with aroma, and the beauty. Good head retention is one aspect in which beer is judged, a nice lacey foam is a quality that if a belgian beer doesn't have you can tell before it hits your mouth that it may be sub par…
but supposedly the guy can't afford to move out. splitting in times like these means that half of the stuff goes to her and half to him, including any equity built up in a home, or in the case of an underwater mortgage, the debt. so if they split legally at this time, he'd be forced to come up with half of the…
can yall type up the highlights somewhere? no speakers
not necessarily, i could see this as a great tool for photographers with multiple camera brands etc
april 1st is not that far away! I like it
this wasn't nearly as good as the other parodies. :(