
can't check out your clip from here, soundcloud is blocked at work. anyway yea a lot of people 'hate' the idea. a lot of people though undervalue top 40 music. hell its not my favorite but my goal as a DJ is touch people and make them move. Sometimes a sniper rifle into a narrow genre of music won't move a crowd and

where's the sample? Must hear!

agree completely. The problem is there are WAY more people that want to be rockstars than actually have talent. So producers need to make a little cash, they make em sound a little better, someone else gets paid to sell the shit. Thankful we have outlets like iTunes to make the mediocre stuff accessible to the least

i think you underestimate the value of country specific sites outside of america. Even on youtube there is a big difference as some content isn't made available in america (or conversely, outside of it). Not everyone in germany can speak english (although a large portion can) but of those that can not everyone would

haha awesome, now just get your star so i dont have to approve your comments

yea i tried to find him but it looks like maybe he's quit DJing. will have to find him on facebook sometime.

i could go with that, sure

agreed. but typically if they're going to keep it quiet they'll keep it all quiet. so these guys should either give us all the details or shut up. a false sense of security is worse than ignorance.

sure, but if my money is going to it i want to know what it is and why and what the value added was.

i would be happy to however I can't seem to find him. his website used to be, he went by DJ Winjer. He was into breakbeat, which isn't my favorite style of music to mix, but it was his thing so whatever. I actually haven't kept up with him for many years. I had an electronica show on the college

watch the video, that's exactly how he has it mapped. and to be fair, thats the best use of the controller. and that's exactly what i'm talking about, i would much prefer a knob on a table that is in a fixed position that i tweak while jumping around than a controller that i could peg someone in the head with.

my wife and i LOVE this movie. Look up Monsieur Hulot, there are several films along this same line, only the others have less of the technology infusion to them.

lol i was expecting an 'aliens' one

well i can tell you it is a bitch to mix music with keyboard and mouse compared to a professional interface. i like the s4 personally. this would be a step up from keyboard and mouse.

that is pretty cool. I personally though would rather have some knobs. I'm not going to be waving my hundreds of dollars of equipment around on stage, that environment is already rather volatile. I dont want to pull a 'wiimote' and chuck the thing into the audience. Unless it was wireless, then they could pick up and

two words: sustainable growth.

the next big revolution in technology and our society will happen when someone figures out energy storage. or new fuel cell tech maybe.

by this logic the lumia 900's camera should be better than the iphone 4s?

hey i swear there was an article on here or jalopnik about this effect, something w/ the sand in super dry air i think. if you find that article can you put a link to it in this one? It had more detail i think

yea i've got vmware server running on my server at home, call me a nerd i know. But i really just use that for storage and backup. i have another computer i use for audio recording and event streaming / video processing that is my most powerful machine, but remoting to it is still a pain in the ass because my