daughter of the eternal sun

That $50,000 tax credit is an interesting idea. Honestly, I don’t understand those who don’t support student loan forgiveness because they had to pay theirs - I also worked hard to repay $250k in student loan debt - but that doesn’t mean I want others to have to go through the same thing. But maybe giving something to

Omg that actually makes so much sense. 

Why is Tamra Judge always one of the first to comment on her posts?  I find it weird.

If my college suddenly “found” millions in government funding I can promise you tuition reduction would be the last place they’d put it.

Tuition is inflated because states aren’t subsidizing education at the same time colleges and universities need to keep up with today’s technology and the costs that brings. So the lack of taxpayer funding is really the reason for massive student loan debt.

If i joined the army as part of a larger plan to go to college because the system sells this to under served communities as the only option to “Get Out” with a GI Bill, I would be pissed. Middle class folks don’t have a hard time getting a loan in the first place, which sometimes is the biggest hurdle to get into

He described the plan as aimed at removing the government from the student loan business, which does raise the question of whether a bunch of predatory private-sector lenders would just immediately rush into the breach, because it wouldn’t fix the conditions of rampant income inequality under which people decided to

Debt forgiveness is a start, but doing so won’t help the issue of tuition inflation, which is one of the root causes of massive student loan debt burdens.

I remember someone once asked a friend who dated David Spade why he always was with beautiful women who were far out of his league, and she said he was sweet, funny, and a sex wizard, and that made up for a lot of shortcomings.

Ironically, I can’t look it up as any Kardashian results, including to the Kardashian Filter are blocked. Mine is an extension for Chrome, but I think you can get it for Firefox, as an app etc. Just google “Kardashian Filter” or “Kardashian Blocker.” I love reading about pop culture and it’s honestly made my life so

Is this a real thing?? Where?? How?? 

I thoroughly recommend Kardashian filter! It blocks out Jenners too- it’s improved my life immeasurably. 

A good dick is only half the equation. Maybe even one-third. Maybe even less.

they are sooo dumb 

Thank you for your service. 

Why did I click on that video? Even jumping straight to the eight minute mark I could almost feel my IQ dropping as the video played. Here’s the eyeball shot so you don’t have to suffer the same fate.

I do wonder if the filters that make your face/chin/nose thinner fall under this as well. It’s one thing to smooth skin a bit, get rid of zits, add some eyelashes.....things you can do to yourself in real life with makeup or even just really good lighting.......but making eyes bigger, chins and noses

Now playing

This reminded me of theories of social media contributing to teenage and youth suicide; mainly because I have just been catching up on Democracy Now.

I’ve been communicating to various people in my life via music since Myspace days. Back then it was using my profile song to passive aggressively deliver a message to perhaps a lover that scorned me, or an enemy who crossed a line. Now it’s music used in instagram stories. Therefore I certainly can’t comment on

I read a story just moments ago about a kid with diabetes who got kicked off his parents’ insurance when he turned 21 or 25 or whatever it was. He survived for a while on hoarded insulin, then used dog insulin, tried the gofundme route, but then he still died. Because he couldn’t afford life saving medication. I hope