daughter of the eternal sun

Oh man. That just made my stomach sink. My little one turned two and half yesterday and we do mommy & me classes but are delaying preschool until next fall. Why have we come to the point that we need to start training our babies about this ?!? Two is too young !!! My little one already is nervous around loud sounds

Two. TWO.

#1 was a point Dave Chapelle brought up in his (overall terrible) comedy special, I had a hard time sleeping that night. I wonder if there’s a way to do these drills in groups instead of all at once... but I really don’t know how they’d be able to do that. I don’t know how much these drills really help but I do think

Your first point is chilling and I don’t know how it didn’t even occur to me.

that’s my thought too!! the shooters are in the class learning where the kids will hide and what they’ll do when he decides to get his parents guns and shoot up the place!!! my 2 year old had to do an active shooter drill and they didn’t warn us about it ahead of time, she came home talking about hiding from “the bad

My son is 2 and a half. Yesterday they had a drill called “rabbits in the hole” where all the children hide silently around the classroom. I’ve been having a really hard time with it.

These drills are just a fact of life in schools now, the way recess or lunchtime or math class is. The two things I keep thinking about in regard to that:

But America loves those pre-children clusters of cells!!

Oh, you’re selling us short! We hate everyone except rich white men. Children are just one of the many, many groups meriting our loathing.

It’s heartbreaking. No wonder we are turning into a society that is being overwhelmed with anxiety. 

Yeah. The fact that we even need to have a discussion about “hardening” schools is a serious condemnation of our society.

It really just shows that... you’re American more than anything else.

That is an absolutely heart-shattering ad.

This is fucked up. I have two boys who are 8 and 11. My 8-year-old gets anxious about the drills, and I had to hold back tears when he told me his teacher was telling the class that she’s strong and “can fight” to protect them, and showed them an alternate exit. He then explained to me how he’d run from “the shooter

Never Forget: America hates its children.

For an extra tenner you can have a nosy chambermaid tell your darkest personal secrets to a judgmental old dowager countess.

Kim’s hair is definitely a wig, right? Her hair changes all the goddamn time and there’s no way to really know what her “real” hair looks like.

I’ve seen some comments from people who are saying it’s my privilege or my money that got me here, but that’s not the case.

Please enjoy this slideshow of celebrities who have eaten their placentas.

It said I’m a mediatrix, “a woman who is a mediator.” But the most common definition seems to be the Catholic one, “The intercessory role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ, and that he bestows graces through her,” which yes — wow. 100% accurate!!